Chapter 25: A Rocky Finale

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I stretched as I walked through Konikoni City

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I stretched as I walked through Konikoni City. Konikoni was back to normal, but since the whole Ditto incident was basically a dream caused by the Ditto, I guess Konikoni never did change.

I bit into a bagel I got from a street vendor. The air's aroma was sweet and the smells coming from the restaurant was enough for me to want to go straight to it.

I glanced at my friends. Thankfully they didn't have to deal the whole dream thing. It would've affected them a lot worse than it did me.

Hau pointed to a jewelry shop. "Let's go in there. I want to see if they have something I really want."

We shrugged and followed him into the store. Once inside, Hau immediately started talking to the girl at the cash register. I looked around the store. I saw a couple small souvenirs and even a couple fossils. What really caught my eye were there evolution stones.

I looked at them and picked up the Fire Stone. Might as well buy it incase Growlithe wants to evolve.

I took it up to the lady at the cash register and bought it. I noticed Alex bought one too, probably for her Vulpix. Once outside, I also noticed Hau bought two evolution stones. One Thunder Stone and one Ice Stone.

Hau let out his Pikachu and Eevee. He grinned at them. "Who wants to evolve!?"

Pikachu and Eevee jumped for joy and Hau laughed. "Okay, here goes."

He threw the Thunder Stone into the air and Pikachu caught it. He immediately started glowing.

Hau only held the Ice Stone now. "I don't know if this will work, but I'll give it a try."

He pressed it to Eevee's head and she (changed Eevee to female. Fits her much better) started glowing.

When Hau's two Pokémon stopped glowing, Pikachu, now Raichu, looked different from what I expected.

Rotom, who somehow always knew when he was needed, flew out of my backpack. "Alolan Raichu, the Mouse Pokémon and the evolved form of Pikachu. It uses psychokinesis to control electricity. It hops aboard its own tail, using psychic power to lift the tail and move about while riding it."

"Glaceon, the Fresh Snow Pokémon and an evolved form of Eevee. It can instantaneously freeze any moisture that's around it, creating ice pellets to shoot at its prey."

While Hau danced around with his newly evolved Pokémon, I let Growlithe out. "Hey buddy. I got a Fire Stone, but I don't know if you want to evolve."

Growlithe barked and shook his head.

Rotom translated this for me. "He says he does want to evolve, but not yet."

I nodded and rubbed Growlithe's head. "It's your call buddy. Whenever you want it, I have it."

He yipped and I let him stay out, as did Hau with Raichu and Glaceon.

We looked around Konikoni a bit more before we decided to head over to the Ruins of Life, where we heard Olivia would be. Hopefully Kukui and Lillie found her as well.

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