Chapter 32: Call of the Darkness

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I sat in the interrogation room, waiting for Nanu to return

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I sat in the interrogation room, waiting for Nanu to return. It had been at least an hour since he left. Maybe he was trying to play some sort of mind game with me.

Then the door opened.

"Finally," I said, then my next words got caught in my throat.

The person walking in wasn't Nanu, it was a Team Rocket member. And not just any Team Rocket member though. It was Team Rocket Executive Proton.

He grinned at me. "It's been a long time Zeno."

I glared at him, ready to break out of my chair at a moment's notice. "Not long enough. Why are you here Proton?"

He laughed. "I could ask you the same thing."

"They found out who I was," I said simply, but Proton shook his head.

"You misunderstand me Zeno," he said. "I meant why are you here in Alola?"

He leaned in. "You didn't seriously think you could start a new life over here in Alola and escape Team Rocket did you!?"

He looked into my eyes and he looked surprised. "You did! Now this is just perfect! What we're going to do will be so much better if you actually believed you could forget Team Rocket."

"Why are you here Proton?" I repeated the question, my fists tightening against the handcuffs. "What are you planning!?"

He shrugged. "World domination, but at the moment, something to do with your friends."

I broke free of my bonds and slammed him against the wall, a tight grip on his throat. "What are you going to do to them!?"

He choked and flicked his eyes downwards. I slackened my grip on his throat and he coughed.

"Much better," he said, rubbing his throat. "Now I can actually tell you our plan."

"What is it?" I growled.

He smirked. "You know Zeno, you really should watch your tone of-!"

I punched him in the face and he laughed. "Do that again and you'll never know."

I put my face close to his. "Talk Proton or you lose your life."

He shrugged. "Alright, fine. Don't lose your head."

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, plain and simple. Your friends are going to die unless you can save them."

"How do I save them?" I asked immediately, interrupting him.

He tutted. "Certainly not by interrupting me. Don't get ahead of yourself. Let me explain."

He held up his wrist and on it was a device showing Malie City. "North of here is the Outer Cape. There is a waste disposal factory there with highly dangerous chemicals inside that we planted. We also planted a small explosive device and if detonated, it would set off the chemicals, filling the factory and the surrounding area with a deadly poison in the form of gas. Anyone in the gas for more than twenty minutes is a goner. If they got out in time, the poison won't affect them."

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