Chapter 62: The Second Round

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"Turtonator," Ryuki roared, throwing his hands out in front of him and I could clearly see claws on the ends of his fingers

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"Turtonator," Ryuki roared, throwing his hands out in front of him and I could clearly see claws on the ends of his fingers. "Dragon Pulse!"

The Blast Turtle Pokemon fired a beam of energy that blasted the Mandibuzz into the side of the stadium, creating a crater in the wall.

"Mandibuzz is unable to battle," the ref called out. "Ryuki is the winner!"

Ryuki gave a boisterous laugh. "I expected more from the Alolan Island Champions!"

He walked off the battlefield, returning his Turtonator, and shouldered Hau aside as he rejoined the competitors. 

Hau scowled by me. "That guy. Ugh, he rubs me the wrong way."

I nodded. "I know what you mean. One of us better beat him in the upcoming rounds."

"Next up, Hau from Iki Town and Caren from Snowbelle City!"

Hau took his place at one end of the arena and Caren took up the other end. Despite the cold weather, she wore simple shorts and a t-shirt, her brunette hair tied in a ponytail and an icicle earring in her left ear.

"Come on out Garchomp," Hau yelled and brought out his Dragon type.

"Let's show them our Kalosian spirit," Caren tossed a pokeball. "Let's go, Avalugg!"

"An Ice type," I murmured. "Not good for Hau's Garchomp."

"Battle, begin!"

"Garchomp," Hau yelled. "Start this off with Sandstorm."

"Nullify it with Hail!" Caren countered.

Garchomp slammed a claw into the dirt and a raging wind of sand rose into the air, but quickly subsided as hail pounded onto the battlefield. Garchomp winced in pain as the ice balls hit him.

"Use Dig," Hau called out and Garchomp dove beneath the ground.

"Use Blizzard on the ground around you," Caren yelled and Avalugg froze the ground in a wide circle around himself.

The ice cracked behind Avalugg and Caren shouted, "There! Ice Fang!"

Avalugg lumbered around and prepared to bite on the surfacing Garchomp. 

"Fire Fang!" Hau yelled and Garchomp burst out of the ground, his maw on fire. 

The Dragon type curled his body over Avalugg to avoid the Ice Fang and bit down on the Ice type's body, fire spreading rapidly.

"Get him off with Rapid Spin!"

Avalugg tucked his legs in and began spinning rapidly, throwing Garchomp off of him.

"Now use Avalanche!" Caren shouted and chunks of ice hurled out of the ground and collided with Garchomp.

"Come on," Hau yelled. "Get up! Use Sandstorm!"

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