Current Cover and Banners by @ImberLapis
Zeno, a teen on the run from his past life, finds his way to Alola in hopes of restarting his life as a regular Pokémon Trainer with his partner, Growlithe. However, no matter how hard he tries, he can't full...
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I got lucky. There was a PMC just another mile up Mount Hokulani, so I headed there, thinking I'd take the bus back to Malie City in the morning. When I got up as the sun rose and headed into the lobby, I knew my plans were about to change.
Gladion was standing by a couch, obviously refusing to sit in it. I sighed as I walked over, missing my trench coat already. I had decided that if I started accepting my past and who I am, I no longer needed the coat. Plus, it was ruined anyway. Instead, I wore black shoes, grey shorts, black T-shirt, and an unzipped black windbreaker. Even with no trench coat, I still wouldn't give up dark colors. They suited me.
I stood next to Gladion and leaned my head against the wall. "What brings you here?"
He shrugged. "Doing what you suggested."
I looked at him. "You're already on the Ula'Ula trials!? But you just started!"
He shook his head. "No. I just didn't want to go in order. I'll be heading to Melemele next, then back here."
He looked at me. "I heard about what happened back in Malie City."
I snorted. "Of course you did Emo Boy."
He put a hand on my shoulder, something I never expected him to do. "Lillie told me everything. Your past, who you were, and what you did to save them. Lillie thinks-"
"She thinks I'm a monster," I said, staring straight ahead. "Doesn't she."
Gladion gave me a weird look. "Strangely enough, no actually."
I looked at him, surprised. "Come again."
He chuckled. "Oh, she was scared of you when you killed those Team Rocket grunts."
"But," he said before I could say anything. "She did say that she could tell you weren't yourself. Something about your left eye being black."
"I wasn't in complete control of myself," I said. "Some of it was me, but it was mostly the Shadow controlling me."
"The Shadow," Gladion mused. "Tell me, what, who, is the Shadow?"
I told him. I told him everything. From running from Team Rocket to first hearing myself called the Hero Born of Darkness, to everything related to the Prophecy and the Shadow.
When I finished, Gladion looked thoughtful. "Hero Born of Darkness eh? You must have your hands full."
I grunted. "No kidding. And now I know Arceus basically chose me to be the Hero."
"We can't run from destiny," Gladion said wisely. "No matter how much we want to."
I looked at him. "You know something Gladion? I met someone who looks a lot like you and Lillie the other day."
He smiled sadly. "You figured it out then?"
I smiled. "You kidding? It was so obviously Lusamine is your mother. What I don't know is why you and Lillie are avoiding her."