Chapter 18: The Prophecy

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I looked down near Paniola Ranch where I saw smoke

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I looked down near Paniola Ranch where I saw smoke. I looked at my friends. They nodded and we ran towards the smoke. Once there, we saw the strange pale people in their space suits on the ground and Cassandra stood over them, smiling.

"Would you look at that," she said brightly. "It seems I've caught some space men. How delightful."

Team Radiance grunts began to surround them and Cassandra laughed. "Nowhere to run now!"

"That doesn't mean they don't have help!" I yelled.

All eyes turned to me and my friends. Cassandra eyes narrowed. "Zeno, we meet again."

She motioned for her grunts to stay around Phyco and Soliera and their two friends. She stalked up to me. "I would just walk away Zeno if I were you."

I cracked a smile. "So your saying you would walk away? Go ahead."

She turned furious. "You will leave now or face the consequences."

I grabbed two pokeballs. The dust wind blew around me as my friends, minus Lillie, grabbed pokeballs.

I stared into Cassandra's eyes. "My fight is here with you, if you stand in my way."

I released Growlithe and Rockruff.

"Fire Spin and Rock Tomb!" I yelled.

Cassandra dove out of Growlithe's path and rocks began crashing next to her grunts, scattering them.

Cassandra released Florges. "Florges, Moonblast!"

I dove out of the way and my friends released their Pokémon. I stood to find myself surrounded by three grunts. The same three from a couple days ago.

"We meet again," the female grunt said.

I cracked my knuckles. "Let's get down to business shall we."

They swung at me and I ducked, their three fists hitting each other. I punched one of the grunts in the jaw and kicked the female grunt's legs out underneath her. The last grunt came at me, but I barreled into him, knocking him down.

They stood back up, ready for more. I sighed. "Well then, time to bring out the big guns."

I tossed it and Gyarados appeared with a mighty roar. I laughed. "Remember the Magikarp you guys stole? Well, here he is."

Gyarados glared at them while they looked fearful. Gyarados roared and fired a Hyper Beam at them. They blasted off into the sky, just a speck on the horizon.

I smiled at Gyarados. "Good job Gyarados."

He gave what looked like a smile at me.

I turned to see the battle raging. My friends had their Pokémon out battling Team Radiance's. Phyco, Soliera, and their two friends were holding off Cassandra's Florges with 4 of the same Pokémon. They looked poisonous with three needles atop their heads.

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