Epilogue: The One Beginning

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Right after Willow is killed

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Right after Willow is killed

"Kill them."

I stood in front of Jessie, James, and Meowth, a gun in my hand. We were in a forest just outside of the HQ, a slight drizzle coming down.

"Prove that you're still loyal to me," Giovanni whispered. "And kill these traitors."

I cocked the gun. Willow was dead. She was dead. I had nothing. I was just a tool for Giovanni now.

Then the three in front of me lifted their heads. I was filled with memories of them, raising me, being the family I needed when Giovanni wasn't. 

I shook myself. I couldn't kill them. Sure Willow was dead, but she wouldn't want me to be a killer again.

"No," I said.

"What?" Giovanni stopped his pacing and looked at me.

"I said," I gritted my teeth. "NO!"

I whirled around and shot Giovanni in the leg. He fell, grasping his knee in pain as I yelled, "RUN!"

As they ran off in one direction, I fired a couple shots at the grunts assembled. I made sure not to hit any, but I needed them to follow me. I vowed to never kill again. For Willow.

As I ran in the opposite direction of Jessie, James, and Meowth, I heard Giovanni yell, "GET HIM!"


I ran as fast as I could, jumping over fallen trees and bursting through bushes as heavy rain pelted the forest. The moon was hidden by dark storm clouds and lightning flashed, followed by a clap of thunder.

I was startled by several Oddish, who came running out of the bushes to the side of me. They dived into a thicker bush as I stood there to catch my breath. I was soaked to the skin. I didn't have a coat of any kind because I had to get out of there fast.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I whirled around to see two Team Rocket grunts in battle positions, both holding a pokeball.

The one on the left gave a crooked grin. "Well well. Look what we have here. The boss really wants ya back Zeno."

He and the grunt on the right tossed their pokeballs and two Golbats sprang out.

"Use screech!" They both yelled.

They opened their mouths wider to unleash a horrible noise like fingernails on a chalkboard. I covered my ears and backed up. I tripped over a tree root and fell in the mud. The noise stopped as the grunts rushed to get me.

When they got close, I jumped up, kicking a grunt in the process. I ducked as his friend swung a fist, then knocked her legs out from underneath her. The other grunt began to pick himself up as I began running.

One of the Golbats flew in front of me to use confuse ray, but I dodged and jumped into the Golbat, slamming it into a tree. I regained my balance and kept running, aware of the pounding footsteps of Team Rocket.

The mud and trees gave way to rocky terrain and I could see that it ended at a cliff. I stopped mere inches from the edge. I could see a roaring river below, twisting and churning. I turned back towards the forest to see a dozen or so Team Rocket grunts running out of the forest, cutting off my only way to escape. Or was it the only way...

The grunt with the crooked grin spoke. "Come with us kid. Giovanni doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"I'm never going back!" I spat. "Never!"

I turned and jumped off the cliff and into the roaring river below as thunder boomed overhead.

And it all comes full circle. Guys, we're finally here. We've reached the end. I just want to shout out to any and all readers who've read up to this point. Both Past, Present, and Future readers, thank you for coming all this way. Because of your willingness to read this story, I have a present for you all. But before that, thank you all again. It means a lot. So, keep scrolling down below for your present. That's it for now folks. Till the sequel. Toodles!

In the middle of a black landscape stands a tree. On the left side, leaves and flowers flourish, while on the right, the branches droop, bare of flora. Blood drips from the tips and paints the side of Death red. Radiant energy spills forth from the side of Life, a rainbow of colors. The auras fill the void of darkness, lighting the shadows.

A calming presence fills the area, a green aura emanating from the whole tree. Suddenly, the lights retreat back into the tree. The shadows seep back to it, hoping to reclaim what was once lost. Then the darkness exploded with violet colors, the tree sinking down into purple liquid. As it shriveled up and died, something rose from the liquid. Giant claws reached out and grasped the tree, pulling itself out while bringing it down.

Zeno returns in








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