Chapter 24: Invasion of the Dittos

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"Hi," I said, unsure of what was going on

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"Hi," I said, unsure of what was going on.

My friends looked at the scene, in shock, then,


The cop fell on me and I shoved him off. Behind him was another cop. His gun had a tiny bit of smoke curling out of it from the shot that was fired. His badge told me his name was George.

George kept his gun trained on the fallen cop who had to be dead. "Blasted Ditto 5!"

I took a step back. "The what now!?"

He barely glanced my way, eyes on the fallen cop. "Konikoni's been invaded son. Dittos have disguised themselves as most, maybe all by now, the residents and hid the real people."

He cocked his gun. "Like my partner. He's missing and the Ditto impersonating him is right here. "

Suddenly, the fallen cop morphed into a wave of purple ooze and disappeared into the ground. The cop here tried to shoot it, but he was too late.

He turned to face my friends and I. "Kahuna Olivia has been at the Ruins of Life for days now and hasn't returned yet. I've quarantined Konikoni off. No one but me is allowed in."

He gestured towards Digglet's Tunnel. "You four need to leave. I'm going to quarantine this whole section of the island. Maybe that'll stop the Dittos from spreading."

I didn't argue. "Two Team Skull grunts came out before us. You might want to go after them."

George growled. "Just what I need. Dittos impersonating Team Skull."

He rushed off towards the direction opposite of Konikoni City.

Once he disappeared, I sighed. "C'mon guys."

I started walking towards Konikoni City.

"What are you doing!?" Hissed Alex.

"Yeah," Robert agreed. "He told us to leave."

Hau joined me. "Oh come on guys. We just took on a freaking giant Dugtrio. I think we can handle a city of Dittos disguised as humans."

"Famous last words," Alex muttered just loud enough for us all to hear.

"And it's getting dark out," Robert pointed to the setting sun.

I looked at him. "Then we'd better not split up like they do in horror movies."

I began to run towards Konikoni City with Hau beside me. I heard Alex and Robert give chase after us after a second.

When we reached Konikoni, there was a huge gate in front of it.

Hau looked up. "That must be at least 15 feet. How are we going to climb it!?"

I held up a pokeball. "Who said we were going to climb?"

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