Chapter 51: The Rising Shadow

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The tunnel shook as rocks and dust were dislodged from the ceiling

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The tunnel shook as rocks and dust were dislodged from the ceiling. The tunnel was becoming narrower, so I returned Arcanine and Mahina. Now without Arcanine's occasional breath of fire to light the path, I was now running in total darkness.

I heard a roar of sound from behind me. the sound of explosions had already been smothered by the ocean's depths, so now the waves were after me. I soon recognized the roar as the sound of crashing water and I picked up speed.

I could see a light ahead of me now. When it began to cover my field of vision, I flung myself forwards, unclipping a pokeball as I did. I threw it as I tumbled onto the hard metal floor.

"Kabutops," I yelled, getting to my feet. "Bring down the tunnel with Earth Power!"

Kabutops slammed his scythes down into the rocky tunnel floor and a series of vibrations shook the tunnel until it collapsed in on itself.

With the taken care of, I turned around to see where I was. It was what looked like a warehouse the size of two football fields. Everything was made of a hard metal, no signs of comfort. I could see several forklifts, but any projects they might've been used for were put aside for the huge glass cage in the middle of everything. And inside it was the merged form of Necrozma and Lunala. Huge tubes connected into it from the high ceiling, but it didn't looked like they were being used.

It looked as if the whole of Team Radiance was there, watching what was taking place inside it. I began to walk forwards, Kabutops at my side.

As I got closer, I could see what was going on inside the cage. The Shadow was spreading his darkness into Necrozma, weakening it. no one spared me a glance as I got closer, too focused on the sight of shadows wrapping themselves around Necrozma.

"Kabutops," I said. "Get their attention with Earth Power."

Kabutops got the ground shaking, small fissures appearing, and many grunts fell. The Shadow didn't move, just continued what he was doing as Cassandra pushed grunts out of her way to face me.

"Zeno," she said, smiling. "You've finally made it."

I took a battle stance. "Where are we Cassandra?"

She held out her arms. "Team Radiance's base of operations hidden beneath Ten Carat Hill on Melemele Island. And the place the Shadow will rise to his former glory."

"You're delusional if you think I won't put a stop to you right here," I said, Kabutops waiting for orders.

Cassandra shook a pokeball in the palm of her hand. "I'd love to see you try. Don't you see Zeno, all I have to do is hold you off long enough for the Shadow to do his thing."

She opened the pokeball and her Tsareena appeared. "Now let's get this started on the right foot. Trop Kick!"

"Dodge with Aqua Jet!" I shouted, but a dark pink aura glowed around Tsareena and Kabutops flinched as water began to swirl around him.

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