Chapter 10: Within the Hollow

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I squeezed myself into the Farthest Hollow and looked around

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I squeezed myself into the Farthest Hollow and looked around. Two dog-rock Pokemon were watching a smaller rock pup play in the grass. Several Spinda were dancing like drunks over in the middle of the Hollow. Two Machops were fist fighting while a Machoke stood as referee.

Nebby floated past me to investigate a couple of Carbinks. The grunts fell out of the narrow path behind me and landed on each other.

"Where would Team Radiance be?" I asked them.

"No clue," Grunt A said.

I groaned. "Well, we'll have to look for them then."

I began to walk, but tripped over something. I landed on the ground and groaned, "Ow."

I looked behind me and saw a Roggenrola walking off. I picked myself up, but saw something glinting in the moonlight. I picked it up and examined it. It appeared to be a hand-sized solar panel.

I handed the panel to Grunt A and noticed a symbol on the back of it. It was a circle and half of it appeared to be the sun and the other half a moon.

"Is that the symbol for Team Radiance?" I asked A.

He looked at it and nodded. "It's their symbol homie. Plain as a pimple."

"But why would they need a solar panel?" I wondered.

"That's our business kid."

I whirled around and saw five Team Radiance grunts. I could see their Sun/Moon symbol on their brightly colored jumpsuits. Three of the grunts were guys while the other two were woman.

"Now hand over the device," the leader of the grunts said, his hand outstretched.

Grunt A nervously held out the device, but I snatched it. I dropped it and crushed it with my foot.

"Whoops," I said innocently.

His face grew red. "You're dead kid."

I smiled cockily. "I've been told that a lot."

He swung a fist and I ducked. I swept out my foot and knocked him over. I dove to the side as the other Radiance grunts rushed forwards. The Skull Boys ran the opposite way of me and I saw no sign of Nebby.

I ran 30 feet before I took Growlithe's pokeball out of my trench and threw it into the air.

Once he was out, I turned around and shouted, "EMBER!"

Growlithe fired a streak of fire at the grunts following me. The two following me yelped and backed up. They both took a pokeball and released an Inkay and a bug Pokemon with a scarf.


"Fairy Wind!"

"Dodge!" I commanded. "Now use Ember again!"

Growlithe dodged the attacks and fired more flames.

Inkay was hit, but the bug Pokemon flew out of the way.

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