Chapter 1: Transfer Student

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Chapter 1:

"I'm sorry it had to end this way."

I said to the girl I was talking to, finally ending things. She looked pretty sad before I even came up to her to talk, and my last sentence didn't help in cheering her up. But I needed to end this. She starts tearing up.

"So what was all that??! Everything was just a game? I'm just someone's toy? Is that what you're saying???!" 

She snapped at me furiously, tears streaming down her face. She was so down a few seconds ago and now she's angry.

"I'm really sorry. You'll find a better man soon."

I stated and placed my hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her. And clearly it wasn't effective as she brushed my hand away and slapped me hard in my face. 

'Did a girl just slap me?' 

I unconsciously put my hand on my cheek she hit. I was so stunned by the fact that I've been slapped and I was left speechless.

She wiped her tears, took a deep breath and said,

"Please pass that to him." 

And then turned around and walked away. 

After a few seconds, I hear soft giggles from a corner.

"Come out now, Jungkook and Jimin! Show's over." 

I shouted to the two boys hiding in a corner of the hallway.

"You just got slapped by his ex." Jimin laughed hard as they walk closer to me.

"Uhh she's not my ex, we weren't going out. She just assumed things." Jungkook said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

'Not my ex' my ass. I slapped him hard as a response. He looked so shocked.

"She wanted to pass it on to you." I said and raised my eyebrow.

"Well no one told you to talk to her. You did that on your own. It's not my fault you got slapped." He replied and raised his eyebrow as well.

His reply made me raise my eyebrow into oblivion.

"OH it's not your fault?? Who do you think your girls are bothering when you just suddenly pull the 'I'm busy' card and just stop talking to them? Who do you think gets 769 messages and 421 calls when you block their numbers? Seriously, if you wanna get laid, leave me out of it. Don't give my number away as collateral!" I ranted and let it all out. I'm done with this guy honestly.

"Come on Y/N, you know I love you right?" He suddenly put his arm around me as we walked on our way to our room and ruffled my hair. Jimin could be heard laughing in the background.

"Jungkook please, when will you start acting serious in a relationship?" I asked.

"Hmmmm. Maybe if I meet the one." He said and winked at me.

This is my normal school day, Jimin and Jungkook just messing with my life as usual. These two are my childhood friends, I honestly can't imagine a life without them.

These two are popular in our school. Aside from them being part of the school's football team, I don't think I need to explain why. I mean have you looked at them? They're gorgeous as hell, but don't tell them I said that. It would be awkward, I think of them as my brothers. And it's the sister's job to correct her brothers' wrongdoings.

I'm actually quite popular here in school too. Well, unlike the two, I'm famous for other reasons. Aside from being sandwiched by two handsome guys, I'm also known as "Jungkook's Break-up Girl". As you've read in the first part of this chapter, this chicken is too scared to break up with his girlfriends, or he just doesn't care about them. I talk to his girls of my own volition. They need to know it before they get their hopes up of them getting back together. Because clearly, Jungkook doesn't want to and will never want to. Once he got what he wants with a girl, he leaves them. That's the kind of guy Jeon Jungkook is. 

Jimin is the complete opposite. He's an angel disguised as a human to save this world from its sins. I'm exaggerating but clearly he's my favorite between them. Because unlike Jungkook, he doesn't bother me a lot, he doesn't play around with girls and he's serious about relationships. The woman Jimin will fall in love with will undoubtedly be the world's luckiest person.

So as I was doing this monologue, we made it to our room. And coincidentally, we three are also classmates, we're inseparable. 

As I was on my way to my seat, someone called my name from the door.

"Y/N! Come here for a sec."

"Oh Namjoon! What is it?" I exclaimed as I came closer to Namjoon. 

Namjoon is an upperclassman and the captain of the football team. He's also the student council president and the school valedictorian. He's also gorgeous as hell. Yeah, he's perfect. You might be asking why am I close with such an important person. Well first, since Jungkook and Jimin are part of his team and these two will never fail to introduce me to their friends. Second, I'm the class representative. We meet often because of school stuff.

"So I have this favor to ask you." 

"Oh anything for you, Namjoon." Yeah anything.

"So today, my little sister will transfer to this school, and to your class specifically. Please show her the ropes aound here. She's really nice, don't worry." He pleaded.

"No need to ask me that. I'll help her. I'll make sure she has around 20 friends by the end of the day. Just leave it to me." I said, reassuring him. 

"Really? Thank you Y/N." He smiled and reached out his hand. I shook hands with him firmly.

All of a sudden, the teacher enters the room with a girl walking beside him. I bid goodbye to Namjoon and returned to my seat.

"Today, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The teacher gestured for the girl to take the spotlight.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Maya." She said with a smile on her face. She is really beautiful, with her big resemblance with Namjoon and all. She has a nice aura around her too. I'm sure we can be the best of friends.

I never expected that her arrival that day would eventually cause the downfall of my relationship with Jimin and Jungkook.

To be continued.

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