Chapter 9: Birthday

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Chapter 9:

"Happy birthday Maya!" I greeted Maya with a smile, giving her a tight hug. I hope a hug could be counted as a present since I didn't get her any. First of all, I'm broke and second, she already has two handsome guys running after her, I don't think she still wants mine.

"Thank you Y/N!" she smiled and hugged me back. I guess my gift is accepted?

"M-maya." Jimin suddenly came from behind us and whispered.

"Y-yes?" Maya replied hesitantly.

"Can we talk for a second?" Jimin asks shyly, I see his fingers shaking from afar. I am shaking as well with the thought of what if Jimin already knows about it.

'Oh my God. Does he know?'

Maya agreed to Jimin and excused themselves before leaving the classroom. Maya looked at me one last time and had her fingers crossed. I have my fingers crossed too right now. I immediately went to Jungkook's seat right after they left. And boy, look at him, he's busy doing his homework at school, makes me wonder if he knows the purpose of homework.

"Jungkook, bad news. I think Jimin knows." I patted his hand interrupted him from writing.

"Really? That saves me from telling him then." Jungkook replies casually and goes back to doing his homework. I took his pen forcefully and finally got his attention. He looked really pissed though.

"You mofo, do you understand how severe this situation is?! If you have only told him earlier then I wouldn't be freaking out! What if he gets mad at us? What if you two end up in a fight? Oh God, the possibilities..." I said, walking back and forth from my place.

Jungkook stood up and walk towards me slowly. He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me brightly. I smiled back at him.

'Is he comforting me?'

His smile suddenly turned into a frown and took his pen from my hand. What the-

"You're overreacting. If Jimin knows about it, he'll come talk to me, not to Maya." Jungkook replied nonchalantly and returned to his seat to do his homework.

"Oh you're right." I stopped walking around and sat at the seat beside him.

"So when are you planning on telling him?" I asked.

"I was thinking later or tomorrow... I realized you were right. I think he needs to know sooner." Jungkook gazes at me and flashed a smile. It was a bitter smile like it was telling me he admits defeat. His smile made me smile. Truly smiles are contagious.

"OH WAIT! WAIT! DON'T TELL HIM YET!" I yelled when I realized how bad of a timing this is.

"What? But you're the one who's suggesting to tell him sooner?" he asked, confused about my sudden proposition.

"No, it's just that, it's our exam week. I don't think Jimin needs something else to think about. We're stressed enough with our exams, what more with this?" I suggested to Jungkook. Jimin and I care about our grades, we're one of the top students in our school, on the other hand Jungkook is... eh ahh well, let's just say he doesn't care about grades.

"Ohhh, okay then?" Jungkook replies, still a bit confused by what I said.

I shouldn't have suggested that that time, maybe then, things would have been different.

To be continued.

A/N: Happy new year everyone!

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