Chapter 14: Gorgeous

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Chapter 14:

I can't believe I'm doing this. This was supposed to be just another normal day, but because of that incident last night, things just aren't the same anymore. So how did that lead me to standing in front of the class next door…

“Uhm, excuse me? Is Taehyung here?” I asked the nearest person from the door.

“Taehyung, your girlfriend is asking for you!” The student yelled from his seat. My eyes widened in shock hearing him say that. Girlfriend, my ass!

“What do you mean girlfriend? Who's asking for me?” Taehyung asked as he walked towards the door. He paused when our eyes met, I gave him an awkward smile and he smiled brightly.

“Y/N! I can't believe the day will come when you'll be the one approaching me.” He smirked at me like he just won a game.

“Haha yeah I can't believe it too.” I let out a nervous laugh.

“What did you call me for?”

“Uhm… actually… My lunch buddies left me and I don't want to eat alone. And since, you’re kinda uhh a part of our group, I thought of you. So, will you please have lunch with me?” I pleaded with my eyes and gave him a big smile. He looked at me with a blank face. Was I weird?

“What took you so long to ask me? Of course I'll have lunch with you. Let's go!” He shouted like a little kid as he drags me towards the cafeteria. Yeah, call me a user but I don't want to look like an outcast or something.

We found a place in the cafeteria to sit in. It was awkward that it's just the two of us, but I don't have a choice. I can't be picky. He's the only one available right now. I can see some of the girls glaring at me and talking about us. They're probably cursing me right now, after all, Taehyung is one of the popular guys here in our school. And just a few days ago, a rumor started that Jungkook and I are going out and now it's me and Tae together. They probably think I'm a flirt who changes men every 5 seconds.

“Where’re the others?” He asked while taking a bite from his food.

“Well since you know, last night, I tried to talk to Jimin. So this morning..."

Jimin entered the room, his eyes looking gloomy with a heavy atmosphere around him. Once he sat down in his seat, I approached him.

“Y/N, please shut up and leave me alone.” He stated without looking back at me. I stayed put in my place for about two minutes. I really wanted to talk to him.

“Y/N, will you shut up?” He spoke again, this time with his tone a bit rising.

“Uhh I'm not even saying anything.”

“Shut up! I know you'll be talking to me about last night. Please, just leave me alone for now.” He yelled, finally looking at me. I bit my lower lip and left him alone the whole day. And so did our classmates. It was a rare sight for Jimin to shout at someone.

“So yeah, I thought it would be a wrong idea to ask Jimin to have lunch after that, so I didn't. And since Jimin already knows about it, Jungkook and Maya are now more open about their relationship. Maya asked me to have lunch with them, but Jungkook's deathly glare prevented me from saying ‘yes', so now I'm stuck with you.” I sighed, finishing that long narration.

“You know I was really worried about Jimin, he didn't come home to the apartment last night. I wonder where he slept.” Taehyung wondered and continued eating his lunch.

“He didn't come home? Poor Jimin, where did he go?!” I exclaimed and made cry noises. I put my chopsticks down and turned to my side and started ranting.
“This is all because of Jungkook, Jungkook is the source of all the problems in the world! He's the reason why there are animals who have gone extinct! He's the reason why global warming exists! It's Jungkook's fault, I tell you! You know I have 99 problems right now, and guess what?! Jungkook is all of them. I can't believe that guy-“ I stopped ranting when I noticed the guy in front of me is stealing my food. He had his mouth open, about to take my food.

“I can't believe you.” I turned to Taehyung and raised an eyebrow.

“Go on, continue ranting. I’m listening.” Taehyung motioned me to continue as he steals my food again. I swear to God, this guy!

The bell rang, signalling the start of the afternoon classes. I feel my stomach grumbling. I've been having a hard time eating lately ever since then. The thought of our one decade friendship breaking down like this makes me lose my appetite. I want to reconcile our friendship sooner.
Or maybe, it's because of Taehyung stealing half of my food! Please remind me not to eat with Taehyung again.

“Y/N! Are the rumors true?” A female voice creeped in from my behind. I turned back to see it was Julia, again. Can this girl have a normal entrance for once? She's giving me a heart attack.

“What rumors?” I asked innocently.

“That Jungkook and Maya are dating?” She answered a bit hesitantly.

“Uhm. I don't know. Why don't you ask them?” I asked, raising my tone a bit. What does this girl want?

“It’s such a shame though. I was rooting for the two of you. I think Jungkook is better off with you, you guys have known each other since you were kids. And this Maya, a newcomer, just comes in and sweeps Jungkook away from you. I find it so sad.” She said in her usual plastic tone. I rolled my eyes internally. What is this girl planning? We never talked before so why is she suddenly being all friendly with me? You may be right, but I'm not falling for your tricks satan, not today.

“Oh really.” Was all I said to her.

“Yeah too bad, maybe you should go with Jimin now.” She jokingly said while walking away from me. What was that you bitch? Don't lump me together with you!

The whole day, I never got to talk to Jimin, Jungkook or Maya. My life is just so sad. I used to have many friends, all of us are happy in our own world, but now where are they? Two are living in their own world, while the other one has gone to Lonely Town. What do I do now? After helping those two snakes get together, they leave me alone to fend for my own. Like what the hell, where's the gratitude, you ungrateful rats?! I'm all alone now, please pity on me. I don't even have anyone to walk me home today. Where are my two boys?!

“Y/N, your boyfriend is asking for you!” A classmate screamed from the class door.

“Coming! And what do you mean boyfriend?!” I answered back and immediately went to the door, my eyes widened when I saw who it is. The man, scratch that, the gorgeous man standing at the door, smiling brightly at me, waiting for me to come closer to him.

“Y/N, will you please walk with me?” Taehyung pleaded with his eyes, imitating me. Normally, I would smack him for imitating me, but now... Now it's different. A tear escaped from my eye as I tugged at his shirt tight.

“Taehyung can I marry you?” I sobbed uncontrollably on his shirt. This was the first time I realized the huge height difference between us, I accidentally caught his scent too, wow he smells so great. He patted me in the head and whispered “Of course.” I let go of his shirt and looked at him, scratched that, glared at him. He laughed at my reaction, earning him a smack on his head, and we both laughed.

That day was an eventful one. It was that day that Jimin started to drift away from us. It was that day that Jungkook and Maya distanced themselves from us. It was that day I lost communication with the three of my bestest friends. But behind everything we’ve lost, there’s bound to be a gain somewhere. And that day was the start of something new.

Because on that day, I asked God for a friend, but he sent me an angel.

To be continued.

A/N: Is this still a Jungkook X Reader fic? IDK myself, I was so tempted to put a 'The end' right there... LMAO JK
anyway this is the first half of the story, so bear with me please, I'm getting there LOL

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