Chapter 2: Heroine

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Chapter 2:

If this story were one of those usual chick flick movies, Maya would've been the main character. I mean, she's the transfer student and immediately everyone has set their eyes on her. It was to be expected however, as she is Namjoon's sister, and majority of the student body admires Namjoon, romantically and platonically. But aside from that, she is really beautiful, inside and outside. Her charming personality might be her greatest asset. I've never seen her remove that smile from her face since we first met, her big brown eyes smiling along with her lips and her little dimples playing at the corner of her mouth. And the way she speaks in that dignified manner, making it evident she was a trained speaker. She really has a lot of good qualities. She's the perfect heroine while I'm just the usual side character. 

You know the kind of side character who's extremely kind to the protagonist and they become instant best friends? Yeah, that kind. Here's exhibit A:

"Hey! Maya right?"

I asked gleefully as I approached the transfer student and sat beside her.

"Y-yeah?" She replied in her soft voice.

" Hi I'm Y/N. You're Namjoon's sis right??" I smiled and extended my hand for her to reach. She reached out her hand hesitantly.

"You know my brother?" She asked, surprised that I knew of his brother.

"Silly! I think the right question would be 'Who doesn't know of Namjoon?'" I answered and we both laughed.

"Whooaaa! You're Namjoon's sis? No wonder." Jimin exclaimed as he approached the two of us.

"What do you mean no wonder?" Maya asked innocently.

"No wonder you're so pretty." Jimin replied and blushed. He looked so shy after saying that. Maya also blushed from his remark.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I meant I wanted to know more about Namjoon. Tell me about him, what's he like at home? I want to tease him on our next practice." Jimin immediately took back what he said and made it less awkward. He's so adorable when he's shy like this. I left the two of them to give them room to talk and watched them from afar. I might be disturbing them , you know?

Now if this were a chick flick movie, Jimin would be that nice hot guy who falls in love with the transfer student on the first day. The way he just looks at her, it was love at first sight. He looks at her in awe as if a goddess have appeared before him. The picture of the two of them together is like a scenery from a painting. So surreal. A goddess and an angel would definitely suit each other very well. 

"What are you smiling about?" Says the devil who suddenly appeared behind me. I didn't realize I was smiling to myself and must have looked like an idiot from afar.

In the chick flick movie scenario, this devil- I mean guy would be that character who the main guy is best friends with and asks him for advice. Sometimes, he could be the love rival too. But, Jungkook isn't that kind of guy. They have a bro code they uphold to.

"Just look at Jimin, he looks so happy. He found the love of his life." I said, adoring the two of them.

"You watch too many dramas."

"Shut up, just look at them." I said and pushed Jungkook's face to their direction.

Jungkook paused and looked at the couple. 

"Hmmm they do look good together." Jungkook commented, sounding unconvincingly. 

"What's this? Don't tell me you like her too?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"Her? Of course not. I don't like goody two shoes kind of girls. You know I prefer my girls wild and naughty." He scoffed and raised his eyebrows. I puked in reply and rolled my eyes. Seriously, he's so disgusting.

And this is how the four of us became friends. Our friendship grew over these past few months. We eat lunch together, we walk home together, we copy each others' homework, although we only have just met Maya, we treated her like family and never left her out. Basically, we were really close. I hoped this would continue forever, the four of us being close to one another. I could imagine our future together, Jimin and Maya are slowly falling for each other... Jungkook and I supporting from the sidelines... 

However I realized how naive I was to think this could go on forever. Not until that happened.

"Guys, I have a confession to make." Jimin said out of the blue to Jungkook and me. It was lunchtime and it was only three of us, Maya was absent that day since she was sick. We just started eating, and we stopped when we heard what Jimin said. Jungkook and I both looked at each other before turning to Jimin. 

Is he confessing that he's gay or what.

"Yoooo can I sit here with you?" A familiar man went to our table and asked, well it was completely unnecessary as he already put down his food tray and sat in front of me without waiting for our answer.

"You're already sitting, Taehyung. What's the point in asking?" I replied and rolled my eyes. Now this guy named Taehyung is Jungkook's roommate and also part of the football team. He's from another class, but since he's friends with both Jimin and Jungkook, we had a few conversations here and there. You can say we are kinda close. Oh, and he's very handsome too, if he's not talking that is.

"So your confession?" I turned to Jimin. Taehyung, as he has just arrived, looked so confused.

"Confession? Wait are you confessing that you're gay?" Taehyung asked Jimin, his face showing no hint of him kidding. Apparently, this guy and I share the same thoughts.

"What? No!" Jimin yelled. Jungkook and I laughed at Jimin's reaction. Taehyung still looks confused.

"Don't worry, Jimin. We get it. We understand, we accept you for who you are, no matter what your sexuality is." Tae added and patted Jimin in his shoulders. This made Jungkook and I laugh louder.

"NO! WHAT I'M SAYING IS I LIKE MAYA!" Jimin shouted at the top of his voice. His voice resonated around the school cafeteria and everyone stopped eating and heard what he said. We, three, were also dumbfounded by that. I mean, I already knew he likes Maya but we never expected him to confess to the entire student body. When we all came to it, the crowd started cheering and teasing Jimin, except for some girls who are leaving the cafeteria, bawling. They're probably Jimin's fangirls. 

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jimin yells. Jimin blushes in embarrassment and started hitting Tae.

"What did I do?" Taehyung asks innocently while trying to defend himself from Jimin.

Meanwhile, there's me laughing in the background. I was laughing so hard that I didn't realize the guy sitting beside me isn't enjoying this as much. Is it just me or did Jungkook's mood suddenly shifted?

"What's wrong?" I stopped laughing and asked him.

"Ahh nothing. Nothing." He replied.

"So when are you going to confess to her?" Jungkook smiled faintly.

"I'm planning to confess the day she comes back to school. And I told you guys this, and accidentally the entire school too, because I wanted to ask you guys a favor. Will you help with this?" Jimin asked.

"Of course." Tae and I nodded in unison. Jungkook let out a soft "Yeah."

"I knew I can count on you guys." Jimin said gleefully.

After that, we continued eating our lunch peacefully. We were having a normal conversation when Jungkook suddenly stood up.

"I need to get going. I haven't done my homework." Jungkook excused himself, took his bag and left the cafeteria. We didn't pay it any attention as Jungkook always does this, this guy never does his homeworks at home, ironic I know.

We bade goodbye to him and went back to eating our food.

Thinking back, I should've noticed something was wrong that day.

To be continued.

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