Chapter 20: Transfer Student

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Chapter 20:

Days have passed after the incident, and everything is back to normal. At least that's what appears on the outside. Jimin, Maya and I have all returned to being best of friends, with Taehyung tagging along with us. The seniors, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon are busy for their upcoming graduation, we haven't bothered them for the longest time. While, Jungkook, after the incident, he doesn't talk to us as much as before and prefers to be on his own company. Jungkook and I have grown distant these past few days. I'll be lying if I say I don't miss him bothering me with his selfishness and narcissism every damn second. I miss him, besides he's the hero of this story how can he just leave his heroine like this?!

“Y/N, I need your help.”

And of course, a chapter wouldn't be complete  without this line. Of course, someone just has to ask me for help. They always say “I need your help.” Isn't anyone gonna ask me if I need help?! Okay my drama ends here.

“What is it, Jimin?” I responded with a smile plastered on my face. It's actually a bit refreshing now it's a different person asking for help instead of that dumb coconut head buffoon.

“I need help with Maya.” He stated and let out a sigh.

“You're still after Maya?” Taehyung asked, confused, which made him stop eating. It's lunchtime, and I've gotten used to the fact that Taehyung is now my new lunch buddy. Jimin and Maya usually eat with us, but today it's just Jimin and us, since Maya is with Namjoon. He became overprotective of Maya after the incident. And before you ask, Taehyung and I are still friends, we're not dating or anything.

“Why do you need help? I thought it was already mutual?” I asked, confused as well. Because if Jimin is still running after Maya and the feeling is not mutual, then Jimin is a big dumbass.

“We haven't talked about it. She's still recovering, I don't want to force myself on her. Honestly, I feel like she still likes Jungkook even after what happened.” Jimin described their situation with a worried look on his face. Taehyung and I stared at Jimin dumbfounded for a good few minutes. If our faces could talk, it would say “Really, Jimin?”

“Sorry for this word but, Jimin, are you stupid?”

“Dude, no offense to Maya, and to you, but she just rejected you in the worst way possible. She dated your bestfriend the same time you confessed to her.” Taehyung added. Contrary to his looks, Taehyung actually is more knowledgeable on this stuff than Jimin. Well, it's common sense anyway.

“Jimin, listen to me. Maya is not the only girl in this world. I mean, Maya is a nice girl, but the circumstances right now is a bit… anyway, there are a lot of fishes in the sea, just look, a lot of girls are after you. You need to see your own value.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave a soft pat. Taehyung nodded in agreement.

“But… but Maya is not just a fish, she is my sea.” Jimin replied. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried my best not to show the disgusted look on my face. What has Maya done to my brothers? First, Jungkook started reading romantic fictions and now Jimin is spouting this fish-sea metaphors of his stupid delusional love.

If this were like those romance novels, Jimin is diagnosed with this Second Male Lead Syndrome or whatever. No matter how shitty the main girl treated the second male lead, he'll still blindly gonna go after her. He'll still treat the main girl like some damn princess. Which is cute, not gonna lie, that is, if I were the main girl. But being a side character and being able to see things more clearly, I can say how blatantly stupid that second male lead is. Wait, I thought I said I'm the heroine of my story now, why am I reducing myself back to being a side character…

“I mean, Maya is special okay, she is one of a kind. She's the only one who could make me feel this way.” Jimin rephrased himself, probably embarrassed from what he said earlier. Well he should be. I feel like the Jimin I'm talking to is not the real Jimin. Give me back the real Jimin damnit!

“Okay whatever, dude.” Taehyung stated and resumed eating. His way of saying “Okay go, continue being stupid, it's not gonna affect me anyway.” Jimin looked at me with his puppy eyes and lips pouted. I can't say no to that, can I? Besides, he might think I'm playing favorites, I helped Jungkook out unconditionally and I haven't done anything for Jimin.

“Okay, I'll talk to her. For you.” I replied nonchalantly. Jimin's face brightened up and pulled me into a hug, saying “Thanks.”

“Just this once okay!”


“Maya, how's it going with Jimin?” I asked, flashing her my sweetest smile. She could only stare at me blankly as a response. Well, I think I got my answer.

“Do- do you still not like him?” I added.

“I… I don't know Y/N. Jimin has always been nice to me, even when all I did was hurt him.” She replied softly.

“Yeah? So what's holding you back?”

“I feel like I don't deserve him. I don't understand why he's still… pursuing me even after what I did, what we did to him. I love him as a friend. I don't know if I can love him more than that, not with this guilt I'm feeling.”

Hearing what Maya said gave me mixed emotions. Half of me just wants to agree with her since I haven't experienced anything she has been through, I have no right to judge. The other half of me just wants to slap her face to Bermuda Triangle and back to Seoul, leaving her face unrecognized for weeks. Is she blind that she can't see how much Jimin loves her that he's willing to forget everything that happened. If I could, I would build a bronze statue of Jimin in the center of our school, naming him St. Jimin the Martyr. But no, this girl just downright says she doesn't like Jimin in that way. Well, it's not like love can be forced. ARGHHHHH WHY AM I THINKING OF THIS AS IF ITS MY PROBLEM?! This is all Jungkook's fault!

“Maya, you can't force yourself to love Jimin. Give it some time, eventually you'll learn to appreciate hid value and how much he means to you. It will take time, but I promise you it'll be worth it. I'm not forcing you or anything, but I just want the best for you. And from what I see, I can tell you that Jimin is the best for you.” I gave her a pat on her shoulder and smiled. She smiled back at me sweetly and thanked me.

And with that, I think my job here is done.


The day has ended and now I’m back to my apartment, just lying in my bed doing nothing. So my first chapter of being a “heroine” is about to end, and nothing good happened to me. Why is that? Where is my damn plot twist-

All of a sudden, my phone started ringing out loud. I looked at my phone to see the caller and was surprised that this person actually exist (LOL just kidding).

“Hi mom.” I greeted.

“Y/N, how are you my baby?” she greeted gleefully, I could feel the happiness in her voice.

“I’m fine, mom.” Was my short answer. My mom and I aren't particularly close since she works abroad at Australia, with my dad, and they come home only once a year or two. And my mom rarely calls too, she said she's always busy. Honestly, I'm not bitter about it, I understand the need to go there, but sometimes I just miss them.

“Oh that’s good. Actually, I called because your dad and I were thinking of taking you with us next year here in Australia.” She explained.

Wait what?

“I’m gonna live there? You mean, we’re gonna be living together?” I asked, confirming what I heard.

“Yes, we just arranged your paperwork and you're good to go.”

I'm honestly so happy to hear this news. I want to live with my parents, I'm sick and tired of going home to Busan just to live the same way I do in my apartment, alone. Well, my grandpa stays there but still, I miss my parents so much. The only reason I come home to Busan is because of Jungkook and Jimin.
And that's when it hit me. If I'm going to Australia, I'll be leaving Jungkook and Jimin behind. I can't imagine a life without them. And this is just so sudden, I haven't prepared myself emotionally for this.

“W-what about school mom? I'll be graduating next school year.” I asked softly.

“You can transfer here. We found a good school for you. You'll be taking the entrance exam there in Korea in a month. I’ll email you the details. Don't worry about anything. We already planned all of it. Just take the test, and I know for sure you'll pass it. And you'll be living here with us. I'm so excited to see you.” She exclaimed from the other side of the phone.

“Ah yeah mom. Of course, I'm gonna pass the exam.”

“That’s my baby girl! Okay, work's calling. Need to hang up. Bye sweetie, I love you.”

“I love you too, mom.”

And that was the plot twist I didn't ask for.

To be continued.

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