Chapter 26: Hey There Delilah

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Chapter 26:

Two days have passed since that day, and I'm currently alone in my home in Busan, on my freaking birthday. Well, a few more weeks and I'll be with my parents, I just need to wait patiently.

I sat up from my bed and wiped away the dried drool on my face. I just woke up and my eyes were struggling to keep themselves open. I've been stressed out lately and this is the only time I could actually sleep without worrying about anything.

As any normal teenager, the moment I woke up, I immediately grabbed my phone and checked the time.

My eyes widenes when I saw the figures on my phone.

It's freaking 2 PM! I just wasted half of the day sleeping in my bed. Well, not like I had plans anyway.

I checked my notifications and read the greetings posted on my facebook, twitter and instagram.

12:01 AM

Happy Birthday Y/N! I love you!

2:03 PM

Thank you Maya! I love you too :)

12:30 AM

Y/N, happy birthday! Send me a message when you wake up ;)

2:03 PM

LOL Jimin what is this

I just woke up

And thank you :)

6:35 AM

Happy birthday Y/N! Enjoy your day!

2:04 PM

Thank you Namjoon :)

7:13 AM:



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2:04 PM

Jin please...


Thank you tho :)

8:40 AM

Happy birthday Y/N!

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