Chapter 11: Revelation

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Chapter 11:

Jungkook was supposed to take me back home to my apartment, so why are we in front of their apartment?

"Jungkook! Take me home now! I haven't studied for our exams yet!" I yelled at the top of my voice. I'm so done with this guy, honestly.

"Yeah that's why we'll have a group study. You get to study, and you get to help me. It's a win-win situation." He replied and smiled at me in the sweetest way possible. I'm really so done with this guy! I wonder how many times I've said that too, I always say it yet I don't do anything about it. What the hell, Y/N.

"I don't have a choice. Do I?" I asked and gave him a forced smile. I took out the key I had and immediately opened the door.

"Wait- don't open the door yet!" Jungkook shouted and covered my eyes with his big hand. I placed my hands over his hand, now it seems like we're holding hands. Wait, does he have a surprise for me? Is that why he took me here?

"W-why?" I shyly asked. Good thing he has his hand on me, that way he can't see me blushing.

I hear the door slowly creaking open, and Jungkook seems like he's taking a peek inside.

"I knew it! Taehyung, wear some damn clothes! Y/N is here!" Jungkook shouted from the door.

What. It's Taehyung in his underwear again? (A/N: I want to see LOL JK) So much for a surprise. I should never expect anything from Jungkook.

Jungkook, still covering my eyes, lead me inside. I hear the door creaking again, he probably closed the door. We started walking and he lead me to another room. He removed his hand from my eyes and sighed. I opened my eyes to see where we are.

Why are we in the bathroom?

"Let's stay here until Taehyung gets dressed up." He stated as he regained his composure.

Their bathroom is really small, it could barely fit the two of us in it. We didn't have much space to move around. He was looking at the other side, maybe he found this situation as awkward as I do. Our chests are really close with each another, I could hear his breathing, and he could probably hear mine too. Now that we're this close to each other, I never thought he was actually this gorgeous. How come I never noticed this before? I mean, I know he's handsome, but not THIS handsome. His face looked so ethereal up close. His round eyes are so adorable, his nose is just perfect and oh his lips. They look so soft... and kissable... Oh my god, I hear my heart beating fast. Heart, stop beating! Jungkook will hear!

Jungkook slowly turned to look at me, I immediately looked away and gulped in anxiousness. Jungkook opened his mouth and was about to say something when we heard a knock from the door.

"I'm all dressed up, come on out." We hear Taehyung's muffled voice from the other side of the door.

We both got out from the bathroom and sighed in relief. Never thought I'd be saying this, but thank you, Taehyung.

"What? You two were together there? Please tell me you two didn't actually do something in there." Hoseok stated with his face disgusted while holding his sprite. He just came out of their room and is probably about to study too.

"WHAT NO!" I screamed in disgust while Jungkook just laughed in the corner.

"Oh please don't, I don't want to take care of a Jungkook Jr. Like the Jungkook isn't stressful enough." Jin also came out of their room and looked like he just woke up.

We have all gathered in their living room to study. We always hold group studies in their apartment, we feel that we can study better this way. We stay up until late night so sometimes, I sleep here too. And since their apartment is pretty small, they only have room for 5 beds so I sleep beside Jin or Jimin most of the time. Speaking of Jimin, where is he?

"Where's Jimin?" Jungkook asked. Finally showing a bit of concern huh.

"Oh he went out, he says his mom came to visit him." Taehyung replied.

Jungkook sighed in relief and looked at me.

"I think I'm gonna tell them." He whispered to me. I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Guys, I'm gonna tell you something." Jungkook said loudly for everyone to hear. Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung stopped reading their books and turned to Jungkook.

"I... I found my forever." Jungkook smiled softly and blushed.

The four of us, Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung and I were left speechless by what he said. What the fuck is a forever. Hoseok and I looked at him in disgust while Taehyung and Jin are left with their mouths wide open. We never expected Jungkook to ever say that, not in front of us.

"I mean I found the right one for me." He rephrased.

"Who is it?" Taehyung and Hoseok asked simultaneously.

"Is it Y/N?" Hoseok added.


"Then who?!"

"It's... it's Maya." Jungkook replied and was flustered by what he said. He hit me in my arm in his excitement. Uhh, why me?

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other before bursting into laughing. They know Jimin likes Maya, and Jungkook would never dare to destroy their relationship. Or would he?

"You gotta be kidding, right?" Hoseok asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You serious?" Taehyung asked and let out a snort.

"Yeah, I really love Maya." Jungkook defended. His face is now serious to let them know he's definitely not kidding.

Taehyung and Hoseok stopped laughing when they heard him.

"It's true. They're already going out." Jin interrupted. I looked at him in surprise.

"Y-you know?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jungkook told me the other day." Jin replied.

"So, it's true?" Hoseok asked, still not believing what Jungkook confessed.

Taehyung looked down and opened his mouth.

"What about Jimin? Does he know?" He asked, concerned. His reaction is quite expected, since Jimin is his best friend. He wouldn't want Jimin to get hurt.

"No." Jungkook replied softly.

After that, we all went back to studying like nothing happened. But we could all feel that the atmosphere has changed, as the whole night was filled with silence. No one made a noise, everyone was focused on their studying. Maybe they really were immersed in their studying, I don't know. But one thing's for sure, nothing will be the same after this.

Ever since they started dating, nothing good has ever happened.

I wish they'd break up sooner.

To be continued.

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