5 // Bad boy

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This one is definitely one of my favorites. By that I mean, probably the most cliche thing ever.

Don't get me wrong, I've read tons of bad boy books. The first time when I got Wattpad that's all I used to read. I thought that it was the best books out there, but soon enough I got bored because they're all the same.

I realized what a bad boy really is when I watched the Crime and Investigation channel. My mom watches it and I had to watch it too. Bad boys are bad. Horrible. Freaking monsters.

They do bad stuff.








Okay we all know what a bad boy is, but do we really know? They kill for money. They are just trouble. What would your parents say when you bring that tattooed bad boy home? The one that killed your grandma for her groceries.

And in all books this one girl changes it all. She accepts his flaws, even though he almost shot her while he was high or something. It doesn't even make sense.

Everyone warns her that he is bad and she should stay away from him. But she never ever listens. She always gets involved into his 'problems'. Even he warns her to stay away. But she always end up with him, because he uses the 'I can't live without you' line and I want to slam my head into a wall.

'You are my everything.'


I'm serious about all this.

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