21 // Sequels

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Who loves sequels?

It depends.

So I'm just going to rant about what people usually write their sequels about:

Their kids

That's about it.

Why can't they just continue their story with their characters? I mean you want to know what happened to them and not really their children.

High school people go to college, yes we all know that, but why can't you twist things up and make it more interesting.

Sequels are really hard, because you had this amazing book and your readers' expectations is sky high. They want the second book to be just as good, if not, better.

I just want to give you advice on writing the sequel. Yes, your second book will not always get as much reads as the first one, because some people liked the ending of the first one.

Take me for example, I read Me before you, and my friend said I should read the sequel, After you, but I don't want to. I'm happy with how it ended.

What I'm trying to say is, when you write the sequel it should be like Rick's Percy Jackson books. You need to read the next one and the next.

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