Soulmate || Jack Grazer

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Point of view: Jack (Sorry I keep putting it in their p.o.v., I'll do it in your's soon :) )

Rating: Cute? Strong language

"Are you excited?" My best friend Finn teased.

"Yes? I'm really more nervous than anything right now." I answered truthfully.

Who wouldn't be nervous? Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'll be turning 18, but that's not why I'm nervous. No, I'm nervous because everyone has a dream the night before their 18th birthday of the person they are destined to be with.

Their soulmate.

That my friends, is why I'm nervous.

"What if it's someone I hate? Shit, what if it's one of my exs?" I babbled, becoming more nervous by the minute.

"Dude, just chill. You have no control over it, but whoever it is, it'll end well for you. It did for me!" Finn said, grabbing my should for comfort.

It's true, he had met his soulmate a year ago, and they instantly clicked. They're practically inseparable. Conjoined at the hip as some might say.

"Just relax. It'll be alright."

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Well it's late, so I gotta run. Can't wait to meet the lucky lady." He said with a wink as he exited my room.

I laid back in my bed and pulled my pillow over my face.

"I guess this is it." I mumbled to myself, feeling my eyes slowly begin to feel heavy, before everything went black.

I was standing in the school. Everyone was here, but they were all frozen. I walked over to a group and waved my hand in their faces, but they didn't budge. I began to walk down the halls, looking around for anything out of the ordinary.

As I turned a corner, everything turned to black and white. All the walls, papers, and people, except for one girl that stood by herself at her locker. I took a deep breath and walked over to her frozen body.

She has beautiful (Y/h/c) hair and the most gorgeous (Y/e/c) eyes I have ever seen. She was shorter than me, and was quite slim. She has a perfect smile paused on her face that made my heart melt.

Slowly, the school, the people, and her started to slowly fade away. Everything went black, but I saw a name.


I shot up from my bed, breathing heavily.

"Holy fuck."

(Y/n). Why have I never heard of her, yet she's been at my school this whole time? Never mind that, I need to get to school.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I got dressed quickly and rushed to brush my teeth. After I was finally ready for school, I rushed down the stairs and kissed my mom goodbye.

"Tell me about her when you get home!" She yelled as I closed the front door.

Time skip

As I pulled into the school parking lot and parked safely, I grabbed my stuff and ran into the school, probably looking like a mad man. I could honestly care less at this point, I needed to find her.

I ran down the hallways that I remembered from the dream, searching for her as I ran. Finally, I came to the final hall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Here we go."

I turned the corner, and there she was. She was even more beautiful here than in my dream. I slowly made my way up to her, until I was behind her.

"Um.. h-hey." I stuttered.

She turned around and looked up at me.

"(Y/n)." I whispered.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Shit. Sorry that was creepy. I- um.. My name is Jack. Jack Grazer." I stated, holding my hand out for her to shake.

She smiled and shook my hand.

"I know who you are. I turned 18 a few months ago." She giggled.

This time, my eyes widened, but not because she knew me.

"Wait.. if you turned 18 already, then why didn't you come looking for me?" I questioned, a bit hurt that she hadn't made an effort to talk to me.

"Because I'm socially awkward? Notice how I'm here alone, not gossiping with friends. How on Earth would I have been able to walk up to my soulmate when you didn't even know it was me yet?" She laughed again, causing me to chuckle softly with her.

"So.." I started, awkwardly looking down at my feet.

"So? Wanna talk before class starts? We have like thirty minutes." She said, grabbing my hand gently. My hand felt tingly, and it was kind of nice.

"Yeah." I smiled, squeezing her hand softly. "Let's go catch up."

A/n: Holy shit this is the worst one yet XD

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