Will you Marry Me? || Caleb McLaughlin

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Point of view: Caleb

Rating: Short, Cute

"You are my everything.

I don't know how to explain how much I love you, but just that I love you to the moon and back, and miss you beyond the stars whenever we aren't together.

You make me so happy, so in return, I try my absolute best to make you as happy as you can. When you're upset, I will always try my hardest to cheer you up. When you are scared, I will fight away those fears just to see your beautiful smile.

Words will never describe how much you inspire me to be the best person I can be, to always try my best, and to not let anyone get me down. You will forever be my favorite face to see when I've had a rough day, or even an amazing day. Either way, you'll stand by me like you always have.

I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smiles makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with you, I feel so complete.

Now with all this said, will you please turn around and say yes?" (Y/n) had read aloud.

She slowly turned around, tears streaming down her cheeks as she saw me on one knee with an engagement ring in hand.

"Will you do me the absolute honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me (Y/n)?" I ask softly, feeling the breeze from the ocean blowing against me gently.

She nods, wiping the tears that are now falling more and more. "Yes."

My smile widens as I stand up and wrap my arms tightly around her, kissing her head tenderly. I pull away and slip the ring on her finger, kissing her gingerly on the lips before pulling away and hugging her again.

"God, I love you so damn much." I whisper, tears now slipping down my cheeks.

"I know." She replies softly, leaning into my chest. "I love you too dork."

A/n: OOF! All the happy chapters are making me have a heart, I need to write another sad one.

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