Late Night Love || Caleb McLaughlin

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Point of view: You

Rating: Spoopy, Cute, Mild language

I walked up to the abandoned house, flashlight in hand and bag on my back. I have been planning on trying to spend a full night in this shitty house for a while now, so my emotions are all over the place.

"Take deep breaths. Don't go towards strange noises. If you see someone else, flip your shit and run." I whisper to myself, tightening my grip on the flashlight as I walked up to the door.

"You got this." I thought, slowly walking in.

I turned on the flashlight and looked around for a moment. The walls were rotting and there was absolutely no furniture. there were broken beer bottle and old cigarettes scattered around the place, along with graffiti on the walls here and there.

I decided to set my stuff down in, what looked like, would be the living room, and sat down. I turned on my phone to see it was 10:00 p.m., but for some reason, I was on edge. Something felt really off.

I started hear what sounded like the creaks of the floorboards from the porch. My heart was pounding against my rib cage as I shakily reached for my pocket knife. I kept hearing the creaks, but they grew louder. I slowly stood up and walked towards the front door.

A guy around my age burst through the front door, causing me to fall back from fright. He looked over at me with a questioning look plastered on his face.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry for scaring you." He said, holding a hand out for me to help me up.

I hesitantly took his hand and stood up. "I w-wasn't scared." I stuttered, dusting myself off and reaching for my pocket knife.

"You definitely were, you went completely pale, and I could hear your heart beat from over here." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to my stuff, sitting down not wanting to keep a conversation with him.

"Well, I'm Caleb." He said awkwardly, waving slightly.

"Nice to meet you." I muttered, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"What about you?" Caleb asked, walking over and sitting with his legs crossed across from me.

"(Y-Y/n)." I whispered, scratching my arm nervously.

"Hey, there's no need to be nervous. I don't bite." He said softly, smiling warmly in my direction.

I returned a smile and nodded, crossing my legs like him and placing my hands in my lap.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" Caleb asked, looking around at the house before turning back to me.

"I wanted to try and see if I could last all night here. I've heard so many weird stories about this place and it terrifies me, but I'm doing good so far. What about you?" I questioned.

"Same as you, but I didn't think I would meet someone while doing it. Especially someone as pretty and delicate as you." He replied, causing me to blush.

I looked away to hopefully hide it. "I'm not delicate."

"Whatever you say."

~Time skip~

Caleb and I had stayed up all night telling stories, telling each other about ourselves, and just sharing everything. We hadn't even realized that it was already sunrise.

"Oh hey. Looks like we survived the night." Caleb said, standing up and pulling me up with him.

We both walked out on the porch and watched at the sun rose over the town.

"Hey- um.. I had fun Caleb." I said, looking down at my hands.

"I did too, (Y/n). Maybe we could do this again sometime?" He coaxed, turning to face me.

I looked up and smiled. "Yeah. I'd like that."

He flashed me a toothy grin before kissing my forehead and running off towards, what I guessed, was his bike.

I blushed lightly, watching as he rode off before he was out of sight.

That was more fun than I expected.

A/n: Wow this is officially the most shitty one I have wrote.

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