Fine || Jack Grazer

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Point of view: Jack

Rating: Sweet, Mentions of abuse

(Y/n) is acting strange.

I don't know if the others from the group have noticed this yet, but I certainly have.

I mean, what usually it is the boyfriend that notices these things first, but either way, I need to get to the bottom of this.


Meet me under the bleachers in the gym, after class.


I put my phone away, and wait for the bell to ring.

~Time skip~

I stood under the bleachers, waiting for her arrival. My nerves were just now picking up, but I pushed that aside.

I need to make sure she's okay.

I hear the gym door open, to reveal the picture of perfection, (Y/n).

"Hey. Sorry I'm late. A teacher asked if-" She started, but I stopped her by putting my hand to her mouth.

I removed it and looked her in the eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask, taking her hands into mine.

"What do you mean?" She questions, trying to play stupid.

I look at her in way that says I know something's up and sigh. "C'mon (Y/n). I'm not stupid."

She pulls her hands away and looks to the side. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine.

"Then stop looking." She snapped, walking out from under the bleachers and straight out of the gym.

I sigh in anger and punch the wall.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You could have been more considerate dumbass.

I hit my head against the wall and close my eyes.

I'm going to let her cool down before I try talking to her. She needs her space.

I grab myself and walk out a nearby exit to the school, deciding to just ditch the rest of the day.

~Time skip~


"Hello?" I answer groggily, looking over at my alarm to see that it's two in the morning.

"J-Jack?" I hear (Y/n)'s shaky voice spill through the phone, instantly waking up when I hear that she has been crying.

"What happened?" I question, worry filling my tone.

"P-Please come pick m-me up." She stutters, letting out a few sobs.

"I'm on my way hun. Just hang tight for a few minutes." I answer, hanging up and rushing out the door to my car.

~Yet another time skip~

I pull up to (Y/n)'s, getting ready to get out, when I see her run outside being chased by her dad.

She jumps into my car and slams the door. "Drive!"

I hit the gas and we speed away from there before her dad can get any closer.

"What the fuck happened?!" I shout, trying to keep my attention on the road.

"He came h-home drunk again." She whispers, hugging her knees.

"Again? How long has this been going on?" I question, glancing over at her cut up and bruised body.

"About a month or two." She answers quietly. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch earlier, but I was too scared to tell you the truth."

"Hey now." I start, reaching for one of her hands and pulling it up to my lips to kiss the knuckles. "You should never be too scared to tell me anything. I'm always going to be right here for you."

"Could I stay with you for a while?" She asks, intertwining our fingers.

"Of course hun." I smile. "You can stay with me for as long as you need."

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