Baby? || Joe Keery

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Point of view: You

Rating: Sweet, Strong language

My face went pale as I stared at the positive pregnancy text. Tears began to fill my eyes as I thought more about it.

"How do I tell Joe? Will he even want it? Will he even want me?" I though, dropping the pregnancy test and falling to the floor myself.

Joe and I have known each other since we were 15, which means we've known each other for 7 years. I was dating a guy until about a month ago, but I immediately went to Joe. I know, it's fucked up, but I broke up with Eli to be with Joe.

I looked over at the pregnancy test again, feeling another wave of tears coming.

How am I supposed to tell Joe that I'm pregnant with Eli's baby?

~Time skip~

Joe had finally come home from work, and I heard him calling my name.

"I-I'm in here." I called out shakily.

I heard him come into the room and knock twice at the bathroom door.

"Hey hun. You doing okay?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"N-No. Please c-come in." I stuttered, grabbing the positive test and hiding it behind my back.

He walked in hesitantly, but immediately dropped down next to me when he saw that I had been crying.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did you faint again? Do I need-" I cut him off by holding my hand up to silence him.

"I'm okay physically." I whispered.

"What does that mean?" Joe asked in a worried tone.

He pulled me closer to him, but I made sure he didn't notice the test.

"What's wrong? Talk to me (Y/n)." Joe pleaded softly.

I hesitantly pulled out the pregnancy test and showed him.

"What the- but we haven't.." He trailed off, realizing the situation. "It's Eli's, isn't it?"

I nodded weakly, gripping onto him tightly.

"P-Please don't leave me." I cried, only above a whisper.

"Why would I do that?" He asked, pulling me away so I could look him in the eyes. "(Y/n). You are the love of my life. You have been for so long, and this will not stop that. No, it's not my kid, but that's not going to stop me from being the best god damn dad I can be. And believe me, I will take the best care of both of you no matter what." He finished, kissing my head tenderly.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I love you too princess. More than you know." He cooed, kissed my nose and pressing our foreheads together.

Thank you.

A/n: Okay this was kind of cute.

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