Love/Hate || Jack Grazer

652 20 2

Point of view: Jack

Rating: I don't even know, strong language

Hanging out with (Y/n) has never ended well. Even if there is a large group with us, or if we're at a party, somehow shit happens and we end up arguing about something stupid.

(Y/n) and I have always had a love/hate friendship. One minute we'll be laughing, hugging, and joking around, and next thing you know we're at each other's throats.

But damn do I love her.

And not only that, but I find it attractive when she gets mad. There's just something about the girl you love staring daggers at you.

"You're a fucking ass." She shouts, crossing her arms and legs on my couch.

I roll my eyes and look at her with an uninterested gaze. "What did I do this time."

She shakes her head and looks away from me. "Forget it."

I'm annoyed at this point, so I grab her phone to see what had caused her to call me an ass. I'm surprised when I see her looking at a comment I left on Sophia's latest post.

jackdgrazer     You look so beautiful Sophia!  ❤

"Are you fucking kidding me? Am I not allowed to compliment my friends?" I shout, throwing her phone back down on the couch.

I was fuming. She can't honestly be mad at me being a good person.

"That's not what I was mad about." She mutters, grabbing her phone and scrolling to something else.

She throws her phone at me again, standing up as well.

username1     omfg jackdgrazer ur so hot!

jackdgrazer    you're not too bad yourself username1 ;)

I shove her phone back into her hands, refusing to make eye contact. "Why are you in my business anyway?"

"I was tagged in screenshots in it because so many people think we're dating." She snaps, crossing her arms again.

My heart momentarily. "Would it be that bad if you dated me?"

"Yes. You're an awful human being Jack Grazer." She spits, walking over to the living room wall to lean against it.

I feel my heart break slightly, and I know for a fact my face shows how hurt I am, but I quickly try to cover it up with anger.

"Fuck you!" I shout, voice cracking slightly.

"Is that a threat or a to-do-list?" She fires back.

I smirk, deciding to play with her a bit. I get really close, leaning into her ear and whispering, "Both."

I hear her breath hitch, and she pushes me away with a blush evident on her cheeks. I simply wink at her, grabbing my belongings, and walking right out the front door.

Somehow.. someway..

I'll get you to feel the way I do.

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