i've stopped. - part 3

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"the FUCK do you mean?" keith shouted. funny, seems the korean boy was quick to raise tensions.

allura stepped back slowly, looking terrified and eye-screaming at coran to help her.

"u-um, paladins;" he started.

keith turned to him.
"i will kill off the last of you fucking alteans if you do not shut the fuck up, coran."

that shut him up.
"now, allura, we need to have a fucking discussion."

shiro stepped in, saying he could handle it. but keith had a burning fire in his eyes that were heating up his angry tears.
everyone could see, that keith kogane loved, and would fight for, lance mcclain.

pidge and hunk, while terrified, were both fangirling on the inside for the 'ship' that theyve been theorizing about.

keith was dragged out of the room by a sympathetic shiro, calming down the red faced boy.

a couple minutes later, lance walked into the room. the state was tense, with allura crying into coran, pidge and hunk whispering quickly, and keith and shiro nowhere to be found.

"hey, u-um, where's keith?" lance mumbled embarrsedly.

"dont mention that boys fucking name, lance." allura snapped in a high pitch.
coran sighed and pulled her out of the room also.
lance was confused. what happened? did he really tear the team apart like this?

"i really am good for nothing."


hey guys, its oliver. so i'll be making one more part to this, than debating whether i should leave this story as a whole. comment and let me know!

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