never good enough. - part 2.

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"what? keith, i do!" lance's voice rose an octave defensively.
"bullshit." keith's angry voice pierced him.

he pulled lance off to the side, the crew assuming they were bickering like usual.

"you can't lie to me." keith's eyebrows were furrowed in anger. lance's hands started shaking, prickling with adrenaline. he felt so heavy- his bones suddenly made out of lead, and his head spinning.

lance sucked in a breath quickly. "i don't know what you're talking about, mullet." he crossed his arms as he felt his stubborn side shine through. without giving keith a chance to respond, lance walked back. the cuban gave his plate to hunk quietly, flashing his best friend a smile.

lance went to the training room, where the team would regularly practice for combat. he didn't feel thin enough- he'd work off some of his calories now. he activated the training, starting slow and working his way up.

he started strong, as he always did. it was slow and easy. as he started advancing to harder training, lance started to get exhausted. his empty stomach felt collapsed in on itself because of the toll lance was taking on his body.

ignore it. ignore the noises. ignore the feeling. just focus on training. you need it. you're the worst person on the ship. prove them all wrong.

lance scrunched his eyes up as he worked harder and harder, his muscles screaming with every movement. he managed to ignore it for half an hour.

then, lance noticed his vision slipping as he hit the cold floor.

- timeskip -

"lance? lance, wake up!" the cuban heard a ringing in his ears as his dark brown eyes fluttered open.

lance looked like he had been through hell and back. the bags under his eyes were prominent, his lips were chapped and faded, the hair on his head was thinning, and you could see lance's bones sticking out. for his height, lance was severely underweight.

"what?" lance's raspy voice managed.
"thank god, you're awake. hell, thank god you're alive!" keith was kneeling next to the boy with concern in his eyes. "you scared us to death. you have to come with us, pidge will check your health and vitals." keith sighed, helping lance up.

lance was terrified. they would find out what he's been doing to himself. no, they can't. his breathing became shallow and his hands twitched. he was led to pidge's room, which had a makeshift scale and many machines. lance was trying to break free from keith’s grip, but keith was much stronger and easily continued pulling him onto the scale. lance couldn't handle the stress, and lost consiousness once again. keith was caught off guard and had to quickly pick up the boy.
“LANCE!” keith kneeled down to check lance’s breathing and pulse. his breathing was soft and his pulse was soft. keith picked him up bridal style and placed lance on a medical bed pidge had placed in her room.
“help me get him into a medical suit."
pidge pulled off lance's shirt and gasped softly at the sight. his ribs and collarbones were defined and obvious. it made pidge uncomfortable, so she ran the tests on an unconsious lance anyway. pidge's scale was large, since it was made for minerals and metals she wanted to test, so she managed to lay lance on it with the assist of keith.

89.4 lbs

"quiznak, that's so little, for his height." pidge squinted at the horrifying number.

"i knew he was lying to me, he wasn't eating." keith sighed, shaking his head. "i shouldn't have let him leave. will he get better?"

pidge nodded and finished putting him in the suit and helped him into the healing pod.

keith looked at the unconsious boy, concentrating on lance's face. "you better be okay, dumbass." he said quietly before walking away from the pod.
A/N: hey! :) special thanks to mischiviouscitrus who gave me some feedback on this chapter! go follow them, they're amazing! hope you enjoyed.

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