kiss, marry, kill.

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allura rounded the group up. keith, shiro, hunk, pidge, coran, and matt were there.

"where is lance?" pidge questioned.

allura's face twitched.
"oh. him. thats right."
pidge went to grab lance from his room.

when they both came back, they made a circle.
"i have heard of an earth game that will bond us as" allura flicked her eyes towards lance.


"it is called kiss, marry, and kill." coran cut through the tension.

"oh yeah, i've heard of that. it's a pretty basic concept. who wants to start?" shiro smiled.

keith, caught up into shiro's voice, volunteered.

"okay. allura, pidge, and hunk."

they happily answer and continue the game.

after five rounds, lance noticed that he hadn't been given a turn. he wasn't even offered as the options in the game. they used same combinations as if to avoid mentioning lance.

"keith, hunk, and..." pidge proposed to allura.

lance saw this as an opprotunity. he cleared his throat expectantly.

"oh. yeah. and lance." pidge finished.

lance was happy to finally be noticed.

that happiness was quickly crushed by allura's answer.

"kill lance. completely. kiss keith, and marry hunk." allura quickly replied.

lance instinctively lowered his head.

they had already moved on to the next person, so lance stood up quietly and left. he did not say a word when leaving, as nobody noticed.

he went into his room and cried.

was he that bad?



his thoughts swarmed around his head as he wept on his cold bed.

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