i've stopped - part 4

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keith was in his room, crying thin flaming tears of anger. how could they just treat lance like that? the team would be in vain if not for him. keith took a shaky breath. he needed to collect himself, for lance's sake. he wondered what the brunette was doing.

meanwhile, lance slowly stumbled out of the main room, in a daze. his eyes were glazed in tears. he ripped the team apart. everyone would be better without him. its the easiest to replace him, anyway.

before he could tear himself down anymore, red lights flashed as an alarm blared. they were under attack by a couple fleets, nothing more. lance cursed and headed for his lion.

in attack, it was all different. keith was nowhere to be found. hunk always crashed into people. and voltron couldnt be formed. it wasnt even the lack of keith; there was no bond between anyone at all anymore. it was like day 1 again. it was a wreck.

coran was wildly screaming commands, that nobody listened to. he was watching it unfold and his eye was twitching.
allura's way to cope was to distract herself with her beloved mice, and ignored the paladins. "want to do a ballet?"


"hunk, stop crashing into everyone!"

"where the hell is keith?"

"hunk, could you hel-FUCK!"
an entire galra ship crashed into the blue lion, pinning him helplessly to the ground. the shock wave hit everything in a mile radius.

those were lance's last words.

"bud? what's wrong?" hunk asked. he was met with a silence.

"guys, i think theres something wrong. cover me, im gonna check on lance." he pulled his lion to a stopand ran to the blue counterpart. the eyes were dull. hunk climbed in to see the pilot seat. there was a limp, bloodied lance. his arm was broken in several places, which made hunk cringe. his other hand, though, gently cradled a picture of keith from when he was in the garrison.
"lance, i,-" he started crying.
he collapsed on the cold floor of the lion.
he turned his mic on.
"lance, i-is dead. he's dead!"
his loud sobs echoed in the lifeless area.

lance died in battle. he died a hero.

keith later fell into a deep depression from the news, which broke him. his lifeline was lance, and now that he was gone, keith was gone.  he was like a zombie, eyes glazed, horrible reaction time, and no fucks left to give.

allura hated herself for what shes done to hurt lance, things she cant take back. all the remarks, stuoid jokes, the bullying; all set in stone. it will haunt her for the rest of her long, long life. she curled up against coran sobbing.

lance didnt tear the team apart - in fact, he held it together. he was the glue that kept people united.

and team voltron was dead.

(hey, so, this was REALLY rushed. sorry! also, i do not accept the fact that allura is in blue, lance red, and keith black. sorry but my boy needs his blue lion, shod off allura.
ropuopopo any better? 😂)

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