Book 1- A Star is Born

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Another day, another interrupted slumber from that annoying alarm clock. I could've sworn that I turned off the timer when school was out. I whined, my body barely wanting to move as I walked into the washroom to get ready.

After four long years it's the summer after graduation and I can get to relax, without a worry about when the next due date is. After freshening up, I prush my slightly tangled hair into a ponytail. I admire the growth I've achieved in the mirror from my last disastrous hair journey, never perming again.

I head downstairs to get some breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs fill up the house thanks to my foster mother, Lena. She doesn't want me to call her my parent, saying that I shouldn't get too "attached". Although I respect her request I can't help but wonder what would be be so wrong with getting attached. It's only natural towards the person who raised you, right?

I remember she'd told me that she found me abandoned in a flower garden--of all the strange places to leave a baby--took me in and took care of me. I'd forever be grateful.

"What's it like being out of high school?" She asked while pushing a plate full of bacon delight towards me.

"I love it. To be away from all the unnecessary drama, and the fear of finding a partner when the teacher tells you to get into pairs." I exaggerated a sigh, "It's a dream come true."

She chuckled. "Well hurry up. You have that job interview at the smoothie bar, remember?"

"That's today?"

"Well yes! Good thing I set up your alarm or else you would have been late!" So it was her doing. How fun.


I can't believe I messed up that bad. They definitely won't hire me after that epic fail. I just had to knock his drink onto his shirt. Oh no, what if I never get a job from this? He'll probably tell someone else who is much bigger and then they won't want to hire me--

Girl, chill out. There are other places to get jobs. Nathaniel will probably forget about it in like, the next hour.

I shook the thought from my mind. Leave it to my conscience to make me feel better. Making my way to the park, I felt somebody behind me tap on my shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I turned around to see one of my schoolmates, Shane, holding up two tickets.

"Have you heard about that band that started 4 years ago called Lolirock?" He cheerfully asked.

"No I haven't." I replied, in a monotonous voice.

"Well they're gonna perform tonight and I have two tickets..." He looked off to the side, with his cheeks slightly tinted red.

"And...?" I said, dragging the 'A'

"So, I was wondering if y-you'd--" HHe cleared his throat "--like to go with me?"

"Oh, I..." I didn't really have plans today, so why not? This could be a good chance to make friends and I've never been to a concert before. "Sure, I'll go."

Shane seemed a bit overjoyed, no idea why. After exchanging addresses, he said he'd pick me up at 7:00pm tonight. After going home for the day, I told Lena about it to which she also became overjoyed. "Ooh! Finally you're going on a date! I'm so excited, I'm gonna choose your outfit! It's gonna be pink and fluffy-"

"Woah," I stop her quickly before she goes further with her assumptions, and crazy ideas. "Don't take it too far! It's just us hanging out. Besides, I don't like him that way and I'm pretty sure he doesn't think of me like that either."

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