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NADIA SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT what she said would have stirred trouble. 

But then again, subtly wasn't exactly her strongest trait. 

As soon as the words left Nadia's lips, Florence took a few steps back while Leo unsheathed his swords and pointed one right at Nadia's neck. The tip of the blade touched her chin yet surprisingly to the turtles, she seemed completely unfazed by it. 

She sighed and pushed the blade away with her fingertips as she said, "Calm down, Blue. You didn't even let me finish." 

Donnie, who took another protective step in front of Florence, was taking out his bo staff as he mumbled with a hesitant look on his face, "The dramatic pause kind of set the wrong tone here." 

Nadia found herself smiling as she shrugged. "Eh, dramatics are always accepted. But really, you need to let me finish talking. What I have to say is very important for all of you." 

Nadia turned her head but gulped when she was met with a sharp sai pointed right in her face. Raph, holding a look of suspicion on his face, put the sai under her chin and lifted her face up so that Nadia was staring right at him. 

The metal made her shiver yet she kept a strong look on her determined face. 

"Mind telling us who the shell you are?" He commanded, his voice low and threatening.

Nadia's hostile glare narrowed as she licked her lips with an irritated snarl on her face. 

"You could've just waited, Hotshot," she mumbled as she pulled her head back and away from the blade. Raph pursed his lips in annoyance and pulled his sai away from Nadia's chin before tucking it in his belt and taking a step back. 

Nadia watched out of the corner of her eye how Raphael immediately crossed his arms over his chest and very slightly, spread his legs apart. She found herself rolling her eyes and rubbing the back of her stiff neck as her head drooped forward; her fingers were massaging while a wince stained her face. 

Nadia looked up, her gaze landing on Florence as she began to speak. 

"My name is Nadia Jaymes and I'm a mercenary-" 

"Woah, like Deadpool!" Mikey gasped with an excited smile and big baby blue eyes. 

Nadia found herself smiling at his optimism but her smile wiped when Leo said, "So you murder for money?" 

She snapped her head towards him, her eyes flaring in distaste at such a hateful description of her job. 

"I'm sorry," she spat," but I don't even remember telling you what kind of mercenary I was. Then again, you wouldn't know, would you since you automatically jump to conclusions." 

Leo gave her a look of distaste while in the back, Raph couldn't help but look down with a smirk on his face that he rubbed off as he gently massaged his chin. She was funny and he had to give her that. 

Sucking in a breath of air Nadia turned to Florence and continued with, "My job is more hunting than killing. I search for people and unless it's in the job to kill 'em, I don't. I just seek people out. It's apart of the family business." 

Florence took a step away from behind Donnie and walked closer to Nadia. 

"I got the order from my superior to bring you in for questioning. There's a disease going from dimension to dimension and no one knows how or why. We aren't exactly. . ." she paused in attempt to figure the right word, "advanced, as you are in your time." 

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