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NADIA REMEMBERED BITS and pieces after the girl had made her phone call. She remembered being roughly helped up before the girl bent down and put the machete on her back. 

From being picked up, she remembered being taken down a flight of metal stairs before being dragged into an alley way. 

Her ears picked up the sound of metal scraping concrete before she was suddenly hit with a horrid smell; one that would have made her gag if she hadn't been drifting in and out of consciousness like a tidal wave. 

Nadia let out a moan when the girl put one of Nadia's arms over her shoulder before pressing her hand on Nadia's hip. She winced, but shut her eyes, her mind drawing a blank as the mysterious woman led her deeper and deeper into the sewers. 

It was when she heard a voice that Nadia steadily came back to reality. She was no longer outside, but inside of the smelly area.  Her eyelids were heavy, but they were open enough to let her see the hidden home under what she thought was just the empty sewers. There was a TV pit, a kitchen, doors and carpets with lights and running water; it was almost as if the sewer was specially made for this home. 

Nadia's heartbeat was the only song she could listen to as the woman spoke, her voice muffled and slow as if Nadia's ears were underwater. The teenager let out a small moan as she was transferred into someone's arms. 

When she looked up, she noticed a shade of green, dark green like a forest, and a small ounce of red, especially when she looked all the way up; as much as her head could tilt. 

It was blurry, but it was visible. 

Nadia felt herself flying before she was set down on something cold. Her body was doused in goosebumps as soon as her skin made contact with the metal table, but it was nothing compared to the burning sensation that pulsed from her wound on her hip. 

The pain made Nadia's eyes widen as a hiss left her clenched teeth. A hand was placed on the wound with pressure as it pushed down; causing the bleeding to stop while successfully earning a loud yell from Nadia. 

"Donnie, pass me the warm water and Raph, I hope you're not squeamish with blood." 

Raph, she thought as she gazed up to the ceiling, her vision going in and out of focus. Short for Raphael? Was it the girl? No, the girl spoke the two names. There must be more than just two people in the room. 

Nadia's thoughts were almost answered when she turned her head and saw a brunette facing her; the same woman who helped her on the roof. Nadia's eyes narrowed when she saw the familiar glasses and yellow eyes. 

Why were her eyes yellow? 

"Flo, you gotta tell me what to do," came another much lower tone. This voice had an accent to it and was an octave lower than the first male voice she heard. He sounded much more rugged with a very vague Brooklyn accent. Nadia turned her head and saw the blur of forest green and red before suddenly, as if someone ignited her entire body on fire, Nadia cried out and thrashed her arms.  

She grabbed whatever was closest to her and clenched, her eyes rolling in the back of her head as her teeth grit against one another so hard, she thought they would break. What she was clenching onto was warm and she knew that it wasn't the edge of the table when the thing squeezed back. 

She didn't dare look as another flare of pain forced her whole pain receptors to become numb. Her whole body was shaking and her eyes held tears, yet she swallowed the lump in her throat down and refused to let her tears drift from her eyes. Instead, she just remained tensed with a grimace of pain on her face. 

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