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IT WAS DARK when Nadia had fled her home to walk through the village. She had spent a few hours with her mother preparing a few spare blankets to rest on the floor and although it embarrassed her mother, Nadia insisted that the turtles would not mind.

They put all of the blankets in what used to be Nadia's room. In truth, it was just a blank room with vine walls, a woven blanket on the floor, and a few dolls in one corner. The dolls were removed and so were a few extra clutters, but in the end there was enough room for everyone.

Nadia had left the turtles with her mother and snuck out of the back door. She didn't have anything special to do, she simply wanted to walk around and see those she hadn't seen for a few years.

That included a few of her old friends.

Nadia vaguely remembered, when she was younger, that her friends would all have a bonfire on nights like these; where the skies were clear and the smoke could travel all the way up to the stars.

It was the day where her and her friends could all just take their seats on the surrounding rocks and watch as the old vines burned, emitting a strong smokey smell while allowing its smoke to float upwards.

She stepped around a few homes, lit with nothing but the flicker of torches that burned with oils. Most villagers were asleep, but those were only the children and older folk. Those who could stay awake all night were usually found at the bonfire.

Nadia passed the small pond when she heard it; the faint crackle of sticks popping. A small smile fell on her lips as she weaved her way through the small oasis before coming to a clearing in the trees. Like she guessed, there was a bonfire, much bigger than the ones she remembered as a child.

It snapped and crackled while around it, the teens of the village danced with one another while the musical ones played songs through small reeds. Homemade guitars and drums of coconuts were thundering through the oasis, amazing Nadia.

It was such a nostalgic noise, one that she could just shut her eyes and fall asleep to. It was just something that let her travel to a place in her mind where she wasn't burdened with the challenges of life. Realizing that she spent enough time absentmindedly looking into the forest, Nadia stepped through the clearing with a light shake of her head.

"Is that Nadia?"

Nadia didn't get the chance to look up and pinpoint the noise before she felt her entire body become engulfed in a tight hold. She wheezed out and put her hands on the person's shoulder, but the person would not budge.

That's how Nadia knew who it was.

"Sequoia," she grunted as a somewhat greeting. Sequoia looked up, her bright blue eyes glittering as a cheeky, wide, cheek-splitting grin covered her face. Sequoia was a year younger than Nadia, but just as tall. With a freckle covered face and an unusual bounciness to her steps, Sequoia was always alert and happy, especially concerning Nadia's returns.

"You came back!" She cheered as she held onto Nadia's arms. "You got bigger too. Have you been training? Don't tell me, you're a secret agent for an ultimate cult! No wait-"

"Sequoia," huffed Nadia with her own small smile. "It's good to see you again."

"Same with you honey," laughed Sequoia before grabbing Nadia's hand. Pulling her as best as she could with the dress that pulled at her ankles, Sequoia made her way back to the bonfire with a wide smile. "The others were waiting."

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