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Nadia stirred lightly. 

"Nadia. It's time to come home." 

Nadia's eyes shot open, her heart hammering in her chest at thundering speed. She looked around and realized she had fallen asleep right in the healer's tent next to Raphael who was laying on a few blankets on the floor. 

By the way it was still dark outside, she could tell that she hadn't slept more than an hour. 

Raphael's eyes were shut, his chest rose and fell slowly but in short measured breaths. Nadia's gaze lingered over him for a while but her look tore away when she looked around her in the tent. 

She could swear that she heard a voice, a woman's voice, calling for her to come home, but as far as she knew, home was Terranova where her sister and aunt waited. 

And the voice; it was completely foreign. 

"You're awake." 

She slowly turned, a faint smile appearing on her face when she saw Raphael propping himself up on his elbows. The wound on his shoulder was cauterized, cleaned, and stitched up properly; a long process that felt as if it took a whole day instead of two hours. 

"Yeah," she mumbled softly. "I accidentally fell asleep." 

"I know," he chuckled before yawning; his whole mouth widening as he remained propped up. He opened his eyes and smirked softly; the corner of his lips barely lifting up. Nadia took a moment to notice the color that came back in his cheeks. He wasn't as sweaty as he was when they were walking and he no longer had the same drowsiness as when he was losing blood. 

Now he was just Raph. 

Well, a smirking Raph. 

"I woke up before you did and saw you asleep. Plus, you looked pretty cute," he admitted with a wink. "You know you drool, right?" 

Nadia blushed.


Her cheeks exploded into a red inferno and for a moment, she lie completely still before she reached over and smacked Raph upside the head. He winced and reached up to rub it, but he couldn't swallow down the laugh that managed to bubble past his lips. 

Nadia remained blushing as she looked away to the flap that covered the entrance of the hut. Outside, she could hear the bonfire in the center village as it snapped and cracked the wooden beams. The faint sound of flutes and drums were loud in the night among the chirping crickets. 

"How was your nap?" 

"Buzz off Raph." 

Raph laughed, but it was shallow as if it hurt him. Nadia turned around, her face falling with worry when she saw him wince so she didn't think twice to rest her hand against his chest as he attempted to stand. 

"It's best for you to stay down a bit more," she offered with a small smile. "We need you completely better before we go to the portal." 

Raph sighed, feeling completely useless as he fell back onto his back and rest his hands on his stomach. Next to him, Nadia remained sitting with her knees curled into her chest. She sighed and put her chin on her knee, her fingers drawing circles in the floor. 

"Do you feel better?" 

"Sore, but good." 

"That's good." 

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