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HE FELT helpless; like he was swimming in quicksand.

With his hands tied behind his back and his sais unreachable on his hips, Raphael felt as though he couldn't do anything. He was immobilized to the max. 

With his brothers trailing behind him like a line of sheep to the slaughterhouse, the four were harshly pushed forward by their upper arms down a dull stone corridor. Grey lined their eyesight; nothing to brighten their vision but the flickering torches that were on either side of the corridor. 

While Raph was struggling to find a way to escape, Mikey's imagination was running wild. At that moment, he felt like Indiana Jones; especially with the gloomy torches, dingy cave, and the fact that he was held captive. 

It was all like a dream come true for him. 

Well, that was until he saw the giant chopping block in front of him. It was nothing but a wooden table that had a small funnel at the end and a basket at the bottom. 

It took Mikey a moment to realize that the wooden table was painted red and right next to it, was an axe. 

"Dudes?" He chirped with a high pitched tone. "Dudes I'm kind of freaking out right now." 

"Mikey, keep calm," ordered Leo from behind him, but it didn't help at all. Mikey soon began to hyperventilate; his chest rising and falling rapidly as his bright green skin grew pale. 

"I'm gonna hurl," he groaned, making the Raider next to him step away in disgust. Donatello, sandwiched between Raph and Mikey, widened his eyes and turned his head. 

"Regurgitate now and I'll never forgive you for as long as I live," he snapped. 

"Guys, now isn't the time," warned Leo with an anxious tone, but it was all put to end when Raph was unceremoniously thrown through the exit of the tunnel and right onto the floor next to the chopping block. 

Leonardo widened his eyes, fear crawling up his throat until he realized something before everyone else. Well, smelled something. Burning rope traveled up his nose, causing him to lean to the side just in time to see the rope around Donnie's wrists snap off. His watch, one that Leo hadn't noticed at all before, seemed to have a torch built into it. 

Donatello looked over his shoulder, flashing Leo a small nod just as Raph yelled in anger in front of them. Without a moment of hesitation, Donatello jumped forward and, pulling the bo staff from his back, swung it against a Raider's head. 

The man fell unconscious, allowing Donnie to swing his sword against the Raider charging for him. 

"Rule number one," spat Donnie as he spun his bo staff. "Always un-arm the hostage." 

Donnie quickly turned to hit another Raider sneaking up behind Mikey. Raph realized his opportunity and quickly glanced up to the Raider holding him down by his shoulder. 

Roaring in anger as the adrenaline began to fuse with his senses, Raphael jumped up, swinging his leg against the Raiders'. The man collapsed to the floor with a groan, allowing Raph to walk up to him and knock him unconscious with a kick to the head. 

"Donnie!" He yelled as soon as Donatello smacked the Raider so hard, he crumpled unconscious to the floor. Donatello ran up to Raph, using Raphael's sai to cut the rope. Not long after, Leo and Mikey were untied and the four, with as much speed as they could and with eyes as white as paper, ran down the torch-lit hall, devising a plan as they ran. 

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