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THREE DAYS later and they were finally ready for war. 

Chief Titawa, after arguing with a few clan chiefs and forcing a few quick preparations, was completely prepared to fight the woman who killed her father. She had a bronze breast plate with a skirt made of fine beads and strong cloth. Her wrists were covered in metal bracelets while around her neck was a thick metal choker. Her hair was braided along her scalp in rows that fell down her back like black water. 

Her face bore white and black face paint that was soon to be covered with the skin of a tiger. 

Donatello had decided to stay behind to finish the cure that he had begun to decipher using makeshift tools and supplies that Titawa had given him. It did take a mental toll on him knowing that he'd be on Goranna while Florence was stuck on Kuldor, yet he strictly believed that she'd come back to him, whether it was by his hand or not. 

Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael were each standing at the head of Titawa's army. While the soldiers bearing different animal masks and face paints prepared their spears and machetes, Leo mentally readied himself. 

He was sure that this would be one of the wars that he'd never forget. That is, if he made it out alive. 

While Nadia and Florence's rescue was a priority, he hardly regarded his own safety as he formulated a plan in his head. 

Then, off to the side past Mikey who was showing a soldier his nunchucks, Avi stood peering up to Raphael who was silently sharpening his sais. She watched with looming brown eyes to a face that appeared healthier than before. 

Her attentive look snapped when the nineteen year old looked down and frowned. 

"What's up kid," he greeted with a melancholy tone. Avi drift her gaze away from Raphael's sais to his face as she asked, "Are you going to bring back Nadia?" 

"Yeah," he replied carefully. He felt sick to his stomach making another promise, but he was completely sure that this promise would be the one that he kept. "Who're you gonna stay with while I'm gone?" 

Avi paused and thought for a moment before smiling. "Miss Figga is a nice old lady. I'll stay with her until you come back." 

Raph smiled to himself and stopped his hands from sharpening the sais any further. He didn't want to wear the blade down too much and have it break on him in the middle of a fight. Raphael placed his shining sais to his side and let out a small sigh as he crouched in front of Avi and took her hands in his own. 

Ironically, her hands were about the size of one of his fingers, making him feel like a giant. 

"Kid," he mumbled, "if we don't come back-" 

"No," she immediately objected. "You will come back." 

Raph looked up, his gaze on Avi's eyes as they filled with tears. 

"Sometimes people don't come back from fights kid." 

"But you will. You'll bring back Nadia with you, a-and Florence!" 

Raph pursed his lips and craned his head to the front where Leo and Titawa spoke; Titawa holding portal spheres in her hands. He turned his head back to Avi and forced a gentle smile on his lips. 

"I'll see you soon kid."

Avi watched as the forest green turtle straightened his back and walked to his blue clad brother. While the two talked, Avi walked to a boulder, sat down, and rest her head against the cold rock; her eyes continuously glancing from turtle to turtle. 

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