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"I don't know Leo, they look pretty adorable."

"Florence, they're cuddling."

"Awe look, he smiled in his sleep!"

"Mikey, you're going to wake them up."

"That's kind of the point Leo. We need to lea-"

Donatello didn't get to finish his sentence before Nadia slowly began to open her eyes. All three turtles including the brunette in the back, tensed and widened their eyes.

Waking Nadia when she was alone was one thing, but waking her when she looked comfortable in Raph's grasp was another.

Florence slowly began to back up when the mahogany haired girl started to come to. Mikey saw her slipping out of the healer's tent and he quickly followed when Raph huffed a breath as he began to wake too.

"Morning sleeping beauties," Leo cheekily greeted as he loomed over the two. "You both look pretty comfortable, but we need to leave while we have daylight."

Nadia let out a low, guttural groan from her throat as she rubbed her eyes and buried her head deeper in Raph's chest. His arm was draped over her side, holding her against him while also bathing her in a special warmth that she wasn't planning on leaving any time soon.

Soon after, Raph let out his own groan that sounded a bit more desperate than Nadia.

"Five more minutes," he mumbled as he put his lips in her hair and snored softly. Nadia contently smiled and sighed, but she snapped her eyes open when there was a laugh.

"You guys are so gross," Leo grimaced as he turned and walked out with Donnie laughing and following suit. Nadia sighed and started to pull away, but Raph simply pulled her back against his chest with a pout on his face.

"No," he murmured with shut eyes.

Nadia rolled her eyes and whispered, "You're an awesome cuddler, really, but your brothers are right."

Raph grunt, his chest vibrating. "Five more minutes."

Nadia rolled her eyes and pinched his bicep, causing the turtle to reflexively flex his arm while also snapping his eyes open.

"Um, ow?" He winced and rubbed his arm, making Nadia laugh with an eye roll.

"You're a bigger baby than I thought you were."

"Watch it."

Nadia smiled and pressed a small kiss against his cheek which stunned the turtle into letting her go. She smirked at the victory and stood up, running her hands through her hair that was messy and wavy from no shower.

"Come on Hotshot, we have places to be."

Raph watched as she walked out; her hips swaying and her long hair hitting the slope of her back with every step. A dazed smile stuck to his face even after the flap fell, leaving him in silence with nothing but the faint smell of cherries and iron.

He let his head fall back as a small chuckle came from his lips.


Nadia respectively nod and smiled at the Chief as she nod back.

The turtles and two girls stood back at the jungle entrance where the thick canopy leaves blocked all light from hitting the muddy ground.

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