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THE LUKRA VILLAGE was colorful. There were huts made of straw and jungle vines woven with beads and colorful string. Children ran around with their hair in unique styles; some had bones weaving through their long locks while others buzzed down their hair to nothing. 

Nadia noticed that the warriors were the ones with the animal masks and war paint that came in varieties of color like blue, red, white, and bright yellow.  

The entrance to the village was hidden among thick tree leaves that moved out of the way when the man leading them waved his hand. Nadia, tightening her grip around Raph's waist, had an alert look in her eyes as she walked into the colorful village. 

She had a strange feeling about something and for Nadia, her gut was always right. 

Children ran in front of her; squealing happily as they chased a dog that had a bone in it's mouth. Well, it looked like a dog but up close, Nadia saw the multiple eyes and frighteningly sharp teeth that hung over it's lips like a sabertooth tiger. 

She gulped when the dog looked at her before running from the children once again. 

The turtles were close to Nadia, knowing that she was the only one to be familiar with interdimensional travel. Florence clung to Donnie's arm, her fingers tightly holding onto his hand as her eyes dart from Lukra to Lukra. 

The villagers had begun to stare; abandoning their posts to look at the strangers who walked through their village. The orange skinned men and woman hugged their children as they krept up to the turtles, their eyes landing on Nadia who pursed her lips and glared. 

"Don," whispered Florence with slight fear, "W-Why are they staring?" 

Nadia snort, causing Florence to look up to her. The red haired girl looked back, her eyes dangerous as she mumbled a short but logical answer. 

"Because we're covered in blood, carrying a limping ninja turtle and probably because they've never seen anyone who doesn't look like them before." 

Florence gulped, now completely nervous as Donnie's grip on her hand got just slightly tighter. 

"We'll be fine," he said softly just as they were stopped by the man suddenly spinning around and putting his hand out in front of Nadia. The girl abruptly paused and put a hand on Raphael's chest when he staggered in attempt to steady himself. 

"Take it easy," she whispered with worry. Raph looked at her, a faint smile on his face as he nodded his head before looking up to the man. 

"Chief Titawa will call you once she is ready," he spoke strictly with a voice that never faltered nor rose. It was as if he had one tone and one tone only; a sharp, loud and accented voice that made Nadia's bones vibrate. She swallowed but paused when she began noticing Leo's tenseness. Even with Raph's arm around her shoulders and her arm around his waist, she still managed to reach over and give Leo's clenched hand a small squeeze. 

"You're tense," she muttered, "and they'll think you're a threat. Relax. Acting as if you aren't bothered will make them not suspect you as much." 

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