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NADIA COULDN'T sleep after what happened. Everyone around them was snoring contently, even Raph who had his arm around her waist and his head nuzzled in the crook of her neck. As Nadia laid down on the floor on top of a few blankets with Raphael, she still couldn't stop the quick beating of her heart. 

The way his hand laced through her hair. 

His lips dancing with her own. 

The way her fingers ran down his arms, drawing goosebumps while also drawing him in for more. 

She could remember his eyes opened midway, filled with glee but also relief as if he had been anticipating their kiss. Their kiss only deepened when Raph saw the look of content on Nadia's face; almost mirroring his own expression.

It was something that neither of the two had ever experienced before.

Nadia could still feel the way he gripped her hips and pulled her flush against him. He was so greedy, but it was a quick spur of the moment that died as soon as the familiar voice of Mikey echoed through the jungle. 

With giddy smiles,  two quickly ran home, careful not to wake up Donnie and Florence who were curled up into one another on the floor of Nadia's room. They got on the same blankets and pretended to be asleep when the others came in, but while Raph actually did fall asleep, Nadia was wide awake and stayed wide awake. 

Her heart still pounded in her head. 

It was all so foreign to her, but she welcomed the feeling. It made her drunk on an emotion that she couldn't describe. Love was too weak of a word to describe it and lust made her feel as though Raphael was nothing but an object. 

She decided that there was no word to it, other than a strong adoration for him. 

He strangely made her feel whole again. 

Nadia turned so that Raph's chest no longer pressed against her back. She was now face to face with his relaxed expression. The light air from his nostrils made her smile. She reached a hand up, running a finger down the side of his face which caused Raphael to stir, only to pull Nadia closer to him by her waist. 

She smiled softly and put her head in the crook of his chest before shutting her eyes and drifting off. 

She truly did meet her match. 

TWO DAYS LATER and Nadia barely realized that she had to leave. Even as her, Florence, the turtles, and her family all sat on the floor of the living room on the mats, she didn't think that the day would come so quickly. 

But it did and she couldn't stop feeling sick about it. 

Everyone was laughing, considering that all they'd have for breakfast would be mangoes, bananas, and some boiled rice. It wasn't appetizing, but enough for the turtles. Even Mikey was pleased. 

Nadia was so far gone in her mind, she didn't notice everyone staring at her until Florence gently nudged her shoulder. 

"Hey," she called softly. Nadia shook her head side to side and looked up. It barely dawned on her that everyone was staring. Nadia wanted to smile and say 'I'm fine', but the words were lodged in her throat. 

She settled on smiling softly and standing before they would notice her eyes burning with tears. 

When Nadia fled through the front door, a thin wave of silence swept over those kneeling. 

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