Chapter 1

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Colby's POV

My alarm blared through my ears and I groaned as I got out of bed. Goddammit, I have school, uuhhgggg. This is gonna be fun. Yesterday was he last day of the summer holidays and I was free from the bullies, not my dad though.

I had a scrape on my cheek from my dad a couple of days ago but I could just say I fell or something like that if anyone asked, not like they would anyway.

I got ready for school by showering then getting into a Sleeping With Sirens tee, black ripped skinny jeans, a beanie and my black and white converse with black socks. I then brushed my teeth and skipped breakfast.

My dads door was closed so I assumed he was passed out on his bed. I got out of the house as quickly as I could and began my long walk to school. I walked into the school building and immediately saw Kirt, Sean, Harry and Terence, they looked at me dead in the eye. Just walk to your class and it will all be good. Right. Help.

I can't be assed with school today, or any day for that matter but I can't stay home unless I have a valid reason or my dad will get a text from school and give me an even harder beating that normal, trust me it's happened many times when I skip. Goddammit dad.

Why couldn't I have been in to a loving, nice family with good parents and maybe a few siblings, some friends can be thrown in there to, that would be helpful. But no, I'm stuck with and alcoholic and drug addict dad, no siblings and no friends because apparently everyone hates me for some bullshit reason.

My mum died when I was 9 years old, we were in a car crash, her and I, she crashed it and got brain damage, died once she got to the hospital, I escaped with a broken arm, scratches, bruises and a few stitches. From that day my dad hit and beat me, I'm 15 now. He blamed it all on me and I believe him, if I didn't break my watch and need a new one, none of this would of happened, well, apart from the 'everyone hates me' part, to be honest I'm not surprised.

I went straight into my history class and sat down, the teacher wasn't there so I didn't care.

Sam's POV

Well, we're back, great. My mum woke me up with some pancakes cooking downstairs and told me to get ready, I put on my red hoodie with my black jeans and white superstars with red socks. I did my stuff in the bathroom and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hi honey, you excited for your first day back" my mum asked

"We'll kinda, but not really" I answered, my friends and I always see each other over the holidays anyway so not much has changed, apart from the fact that we will have to wake up at freaking 7 or 8 in the damn morning and spend 6 hours in an endless loop of, lectures, essays and projects.

The door rang, that must be Elton and Aaron, Elton lives opposite me and Aaron lives 2 streets behind us so we all walk to and back from school together every morning and after school.

"Bye Mum" I gave her a kiss on the cheek, grabbed my back and left saying hi to Elton and Aaron.

"Well hay Sammy boy" Elton welcomed.

"Ew, don't call me that and hi guys" I added.

"You guys just jumping with joy for school I see" Aaron stated, we groaned. Our 15 minute walk ended and we arrived in the place I despise most. School.

(A/n so I decided to start a new book because I've recently really gotten into Sam and Colby and the rest of them, it will probably be the same as my other book - posting once every week more or less. Probably a bit more for the next couple of days because we're on Christmas break. Whooooo. And I'm also going to my cousins which is like a 4 hour drive so I can write a lot in the car)

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