Chapter 4

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Sam's POV

So we worked on the project a bit more, we didn't get much done and still had so much to do, but it was fine because we still had about 2 weeks to do it.

My mum walked through the door. "Boys dinners ready, pizza- oh, hello I don't believe we have met" she said, gesturing to Colby.

"Oh yeah, mum, this is Colby. Colby, this is my mum" I introduced. Colby shyly waved and smiled then looked back down. We all got up and headed downstairs for pizza.

Halfway through dinner Colby's phone beeped. He looked at it, and looked......scared? For a second

"Uhh...I...em I have to go" Colby announced. "Thank you for everything" he added.

"Oh em, no problem. Do you want a lift home?" I asked.

"Em no thanks I can just walk, bye" he replied. Everyone said bye and he left.

Colby's POV

Halfway through dinner my phone beeped, indicating I had a message. I checked it and it was my dad.

'Why the hell are you taking so long, if you don't want to face consequences you better come home now.' It explained. Face consequences, what is this, some kind of interrogation, ha. I should probably get home though, otherwise I will have to face some consequences.

I excused myself from Sam's house and walked home. As soon as I walked in the door my dad was right in my face.

"Why did you take so long" he asked.

"What do you care" whooo, since when did I have that confidence, my dad looked at me in the eye and smiled. Bad idea. ABORT, ABORT!!!

"Your right, I don't care, which means I can do more of this" he explained, kneeing me right in the stomach causing me to fall to the ground. He through punches, hits and kicks.

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. To be honest I'm kinds used to this now. But it still hurts like heck. He walked away, out the door, probably to a bar or something. I just layed on the floor for a good five minutes.

I walked up the stairs once I peeled myself of the ground and looked in the mirror in my bedroom. I already had a slightly bruised eye which would definitely get worse over night. That was the only thing on my face other than the scrape from a few days ago and a nose bleed. I lifted up my shirt to reveal bruises all over my chest. Well no one will see them and I could just make up something about my black eye tomorrow.

I went to sleep eventually not excited about school tomorrow.

I woke up in agony. I had a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed, heading downstairs. My dad wasn't here luckily, I started heading towards school.

Elton's POV

I was walking with Sam and Aaron and we spotted Colby. We ran up to him but he had his earphones in.

"Hey man what's up" I said. He took his earphones out.

"Um, hay" he replied.

"What you listening to" Aaron asked.

"Um Linkin Park" he answered.

"Really, we love that band" he looked up. What the hell, when did he get that back eye, he was at Sam's house the majority of yesterday. Or was it his 'neighbor'.

"Bro, what happened to your eye" I asked.

"Em, eh.....n-nothong much, I just, eh, fell onto a pole, em, yesterday, while I was em, w-walking home" he said.

"Oh, well it looks painful" Sam acknowledged.

Colby's POV

"Em, eh.....n-nothong much, I just, eh, fell onto a pole, em, yesterday, while I was em, w-walking home" Oh yeah Colby, what a great fucking excuse. I screwed up again, I need to really think up better excuses or think them up before I got into these situations and blurt out a complete bullshit answer.

(A/n I decided to upload again. To be honest, I don't really know where this story is going but I have some ideas. In the next 2 or 3 days I might upload more, but it's a few days till Christmas xx)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now