Chapter 2

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Elton's POV

So the bell rang once we met up with everyone as all 4 of us luckily have history first thing on a Monday. The teacher asked us to get into groups of 5 and of course we all got into one with a spare space.

There was 25 people in our class so a perfect number. Our history class had the most people in our year, normally there was about 15 or 20 people in our class.

Our teacher explained that we had to make an example of an environment like forests, oceans e.c.t with a shoe box or something like that. We also had to make a poster about information on our chosen environment and lastly make. Yes make, little animals that belong in that habitat out of something, I mean we could easily just buy little figures but no, we have to fricken make them. This was in for 2 weeks today which is why we need so many people cause there's so much to do.

Everyone was in groups of 5 apart from us. The teacher walked over with a student and asked if he could join our group as he had no one, us being the nice pals we are obviously said yes *pats self on back*.

He had brown hair flipped to one side with mainly back clothing and what I'm guessing is a band tee. He had ocean blue eyes and a scrape on his cheek but was looking down when he took a seat, he seemed nervous.

Colby's POV

So our teacher had to fucking choose to to a project thing and me being the loner I am have no friends to do this with so I just sat there while everyone gets into there friend groups. Mrs Harvey came up to me.

"Hey Colby, you not going to get with your friends to do this project?" she asked.

"I have no friends" I bluntly replied.

"Oh, well, em.... let's put you in with another group" she smiled.

"Can I not just do it on my own miss" I asked.

"No. Sorry, there's to much work, you won't get it done in two weeks" she answered.  You wanna bet. She looked up to a group of 4.

"Here, these guys are a group of 4, you could go with them" we both stood up and she walked to towards them, my head was down the whole time.

"Hey, do you think you guys could bring Colby into your group, he doesn't have anyone else" way to put it bluntly miss.

"Yeah of course, no problem" one of them replied. There probably gonna hit me when the teacher walks away. I took my seat still looking down and waited for them to get onto the work.

Corey's POV

"Let's introduce ourselves" I said.

"Hi I'm Corey, and this is Elton, Aaron and Sam" I added guesturing to all of my friends who all replied with a hi. He looked up as I was doing this and damn, those eyes stared into your soul.

"Hi, I'm Colby" he answered pretty sadly for some reason. Probably because he has no friends. Whooooo, Corey tone it down a little bit, it may be true but damn, way to put it exactly how Mrs Harvey did it.

"So do you all want to meet up at one of our houses" Aaron stated.

"I can do it, my parents love you guys, em Colby if I give you my address do you think you could come later today" Sam requested.

"Um, yeah sure what time" Colby replied.

"Half 4 okay with everyone" he retorted back to all of us. We all nodded and the bell rung. To maths I go. Damn.

(A/n I'm getting really excited about this book and I have no clue why. I uploaded twice today, well kinda, it turned 12 o'clock while I was writing but still, I might upload again today but we'll see)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now