Chapter 11

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Colby's POV

I got out of my seat and ran in the same direction of Elton, I can't see him anymore though. I turn a corner and I know I've definitely lost him. Uuugghhh goddammit Elton, this is just going to make it worse. I walked around looking for them for a good 10 minutes but nothing, and of coarse the freaking bell rang so I had to make my way to science. Only Aaron and Sam are in my science class so I can't even get to Elton.

Once the school day was over I walked out of the school doors to freedom and walked home. I think I got out of the school earlier than the other guys because if they were here they would've waited for me, I would normally do that too but to be honest I just want to get home.

I was about a street away from my house and I spotted fricken Kirt and his 'clique' again. Just look away and speed-walk, and that's what I did, I made it to my house and went straight to my bedroom, flipping down on my bed. A couple minutes passed and I decided I wanted to go outside and get some fresh air.

Hmmm, I haven't been on my bike in a while, maybe I could ride that around a few streets. Now I just need to figure out where the hell it is, the shed, maybe. I walked out in our small garden to our run down shed and walked in. I spotted my black bike at the back and dusted the cobwebs off of it. Wow, the tires are surprisingly fine, well then, let's go, who am I talking to. Never mind.

I hopped on and cycled around to the front of the house, continuing my journey through the streets, I decided to go to this abandoned warehouse thing, I've been going there since I was 10. I found the place and hooked my bike up to one of the poles, climbing up to the roof of the building.


I've been sitting her for a good hour and a half, I should probably go back. I climbed down off the roof, unchained my bike and began to ride home, it was only until the quarter of the journey back I heard other bike pedals and chains ? I made a few turns down different streets but I couldn't loose them. I turned my head to be face with none other than Kirt, Sean, Henry and Terrence. Of fucking course.

Oh shit, I just remembered, I was supposed to meet up with the guys at 4 to finished our project, Aaron told me in science. I lost track if my thoughts when suddenly I felt another bike ram into mine, fuck. I skidded along the road, realising a fricken car was coming, in the most un-busy damn road you could imagine, just my luck. It shocked me so I quickly turned my handle to the side, not realising how fast I was going. One of there bikes rammed into mine again causing me to head towards a brick wall at full speed.

My front tire was the first thing to hit the wall, followed by my face, the guys had gone by then. The bike flew up with my ankle attacked to it and proceeded to land on my arm, The now broken and pointy main part of the wheel poking into my leg. Honestly, I didn't even know I could get into this position, but obviously I managed it. Thankfully the metal point didn't completely lodge itself into my leg but it did break a lot of this skin and there was a huge gash on it. My fucking left arm and right leg are in so much pain I can't even get up and I can feel the warm blood pouring out from my face, arms,legs and torso.

I finally managed to untangle myself from my bike and attempted to ride it home. I could use one arm but one leg was hard, I fell off a good 8 times maximising my injuries, making them worse. When I arrived home I just dumped my bag on the front lawn, wow, there's a lot of blood on that bike, and it's dented everywhere. Damn, I'm probably not going to be able to ride that again. Frick my arm is in a lot more pain that anything else, have I broken it ? No, probably just sprained, or, dislocated.

I went straight up to bed and almost fell asleep, only to be 'welcomed' my my dad.

(A/N Heyyy. Sorry if you got a random update, that was just because I made a small mistake on the last chapter and couldn't leave it like that 😂😂. Anyway I want to give a huuuuuuggeeeee thank you to @holly-j13 for giving me this amazing suggestion, I really appreciate it. She doesn't have any works but go follow her in case she writes one. I will be posting the next part of your idea tomorrow probably so look forward to that. Also, it's 12.11 where I am and I have school in the morning, I also know that I shouldn't complain because I know I'm still going to stay up until like 3am XD it snowed a lot today and it's supposed to snow overnight as-well so I'm hoping for a snow day, apparently our teachers got a message that it might be one and I just really hope it is. Anyway I'm rambling again, thank you again Holly and bubbye)

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