Chapter 8

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Corey's POV

So Colby didn't want us telling anyone about the abuse and I guess I can understand why but if his dad goes to prison then it'll be fine ?

It's the end of the school day and I'm making my way down to the bathroom, and now I have that song stuck on my head "making my way down down, walking fast" I hummed to myself walking into the boys bathrooms.

I almost fell backwards as I was placed with a horrifying image. I saw blood in the sink with Colby frantically trying to cover his arm up with his black hoodie whilst holding a razor. He had a nose bleed and a bruise forming on his left cheek, I think he was beat up again.

"You can't tell the other guys please, I can't help it" he spoke with tears.

"Shh, shh I'm not gonna tell anybody now let's get this cleaned up" I said, he nodded.

We made our way home, our separate ways but all I could think about for the rest of the day was his self harm scars, he had so many, I felt so bad for him.


It was the next day and I was still thinking about Colby. School came and went and we decided to work some more on the project. We went to Elton's house this time because his parents were out so we could do anything. Wait. That sound like we were all gonna fuck or something, Yeah, we're not doing that, Jesus Christ.

Colby's POV

We are at Elton's house working on the project, I'm currently painting the inside of the shoe box with trees and stuff because it's a rainforest.

I took a sip of my water whilst everyone was in conversation.

"Colby self harms" Corey blurted out then quickly covered his mouth with his hands. I choked on my water and went wide eyed, staring at Corey, wtf dude I said not to tell anyone.

"Bro I am so sorry, it just came out" Corey explained and I just accepted it. It's not like I could deny it, they'd want to look at my wrists and why would their friend lie to them.

"How did you find out" Sam asked him.

"I walked into the bathroom and found him" Corey answered. Elton took my arms and rolled up my sleeves, I just looked down. There was no point in stopping it, they already new, so there was nothing I could do.

"Goddammit, Colby" he said and then they all embraced me in a hug.

"Can you promise us you'll stop" Aaron asked.

"I'll try but no promises" I replied. They all nodded.

"Who wants cake, we have some left over from my mums birthday last week" Elton asked. We all obviously accepted and headed downstairs for cake. Then I got a text from my dad......

(A/N I'm evil heuheuheuheuheu. Yeah don't question that. Sorry this was a shorter chapter but hey, it's a chapter so who's complaining. School goes back in 3 days uuggghhh. I should make a rant book cause I rant a lot, anywhore, be excited for the next chapter cause even I don't know what's gonna happen.*Makes authors note longer so it looks like I've written more* XD byyeee)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now