Chapter 15

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Sam's POV

We called the police. We heard a knock on the door. We opened the door, and there they were, the police. We invited them in and pointed towards colby who was still asleep. Elton explained Colby's story but not with full detail because obviously Elton isn't Colby and doesn't actually know the full story.

We played them the video and then deleted it right after we sent it to one of the policemen so they could use it against Colby's dad.

The policeman carefully woke Colby up. Colby looked up shocked and confused, he looked at us with a 'What the fuck' face and we just gave looks of sympathy in return.

"You didn't" he spoke.

"Colby we had to, we couldn't just let this go on, especially after what he's done this time" Elton said. Colby just looked down and glared at his hands.

"Ehh. Colby? Is it, I think what your friends did was definitely a good thing. Em, could you maybe show us some of the scars or bruises you might have." One of the policemen spoke. Colby hesitantly took his shirt off and turned around so we could see the stuff on his stomach and then the pelts on his back.

"Yeah, that's enough information, after the video we don't even need to take your dad to court, and he will get life in prison" he explained. Colby looked up in shock and the policeman just nodded with a smile on his face causing Colby to smile as well.

"One thing though, can you take us to your house, or wherever your dad is so we can actually arrest him" The police said. Colby nodded and we headed out, they drove us with Colby's directions.

Colby walked into the house using his key to unlock the door.

"D-dad, are you h-here?" Colby half shouted into the emptiness that was supposed to be his 'humble', 'comfortable', 'loving' home. We got no answer so we decided to wait it out in the living room.

Suddenly we heard a jingle of keys in the lock and the door opening, the police put their cars quite far away so Colby's dad wouldn't suspect anything and there was also another policeman hiding outside incase he managed to get outside again.

He walked into the living room and the police shot up, putting him in handcuffs straight away.

"COLBY YOU FUCKING USELESS PEICE OF SHIT, YOU WERE NEVER MY SON" he shouted. I looked over at Colby and he was smiling to himself but also crying from the words thrown at him.

They whistled Colby's dad away and later on Colby got adopted. Thankfully his foster parents agreed to living in the same town so Colby could still go to school with us. Life is great right now.

Colby's POV

He's in jail for life

He's gone

I'm free


(A/N WOOOOO!!!!! Finally I'm finished, I'm so sorry for the crap ending....and I mean, crap story in general 😂😂. Also sorry the ending was so rushed. Anyway it's finally over, I really hope you enjoyed this story, sorry the updates took so long to come, especially this one. I'll be uploading the first chapter of the Waterparks fan fiction soon but I want to pre-right a few of the chapters before I do, so look forward to that. Thank you again for reading and byyyyyeeee xxxxxxxxx)

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