Chapter 3

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Colby's POV

Today's school day is finally over, but we still have 4 more days left until the weekend. Fuck. My. Life. I walked home and sneaked upstairs to get ready to go to Sam's. I decided to leave a bit earlier so I could actually try and find the house.

I walked downstairs but hit a creak in the stairs. Damn you wooden floor.

"Colby is that you, where the bloody hell do you think your going" he emerged from the kitchen with a half full bottle of beer looking at my bag filled with the little amount of supplies I have for the project.

"Em..I'm...just em... g-going to a friends h-house" I replied impatiently. He slapped me hard across the face just for the sake of it, and I mean hard. Ow. Motherfucker.

"Ha, you don't have any friends you pathetic kid" he said.

"It's for a h-history project" I replied. "They'll be mad at me if I don't go."

"Fine, but for the record, I'm not letting you go so your so called friends won't be mad at you, I just want you out the house" he stated. I quickly gathered my stuff and headed to Sam's house.


I found the street, now I just need to find the number, 18, I started humming 18 by Anarbor and decided to change the song I was listening to on my phone to it. It posed a real problem for me trying to find Sam's house, I thought it wouldn't take that long to get there. I was wrong.

Luckily I went early so it was only 20 past 4. 2 more songs had played by the time I was at his front door. I pulled my hoodie down to hide my cuts and scars so they wouldn't see them and knocked on the door.

Sam opened the door beside Corey, I'm guessing they were the only ones so far, well obviously Sam is here because he liv- dammit shut the fuck up, what the frick am i talking about, this is why I'm socially awkward.

"Hi Colby" Sam waved, "Come in, you can just take your shoes of there and come up to my room." Hey added. I did as I was told and them walked up to his room following behind them.

The othr 2 came eventually and we we all walked up to Sam's room.

"Hey, Colby, are you okay, you have a huge red mark on the right side of your face" Aaron stated.

"It looks a bit like a-"

"I m-must have been l-leaning on it" I interjected a bit to suspiciously.

"-hand print" he finished, "why would it be shaped like a perfect hand print if you where just leaning on it" Elton added, dammit stop interrogating me. (a/n I now realise that this still makes perfect sense but let's just go with it XD).

" sister got annoyed at m-me and slapped me a-across the face" what the he'll am I doing I don't have a sister. "I mean, I don't have a sister, but o-one of my neighbours my age t-thinks I'm annoying and slapped m-me" Oh yeah real subtle Colby *clap clap*. Yeah I definitely made that situation 10 times worse.

"I have a few supplies, not a lot but I have some" I tried to change the subject.

"Oh yeah let's start on the project" Sam said. Phew. Thank fuck that didn't go any further.

Aaron's POV

Yeah Colby was hella suspicious there, there is definitely more to that story, I won't push him though. We want to try and make friends with him.

We decided on doing the rainforest for our project. Sam had a huge shoe box so we started on the actual environment part of it, and Elton brought some clay so him and Colby were making little clay animals.

"Can I just say Colby your clay figures are amazing" Sam said gesturing to Colby's little frog he made. Colby smiled and thanked him.

Corey leaned over to me "Oh.  My. God. Colby just smiled what the hell" he whispered cause me to laugh a little. No one noticed luckily.

"What about mine?" Elton questioned Sam.

"Nah there crap" he replied causing Elton to sulk but then laugh.

"Jk there great" he said.

(A/n so yep, I posted again today XD it's currently 1:32 am in the morning for me and I'm so happy because u have no school tomorrow. I personally really liked this chapter but please feel free to leave some constructive criticism so I can change it in the future xx)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now