Chapter 5

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Colby's POV

We all got to school and went our separate ways to class, I'm pretty sure Sam and Aaron where in the same home economics class next, Elton was in Drama, I don't know where Corey was because he didn't walk the same way as us, and I am now making my way to art.

But of course life absolutely hates me for some unknown reason and Kirt and his friends come up to me and straight up sock me in the face. Well, normally there's actually speech before they start beating me up but sure.

This went on for a good few minutes, the bell rang and they ran off to class. 
Dammit I just remembered I'm in the same class as Harry and Sean in art. I'm sure it'll be fine, they barely do anything without consent of there, what I call, 'leader' so that's fine.

I walked to class without cleaning myself up first so I'm pretty sure my face was covered in blood but I don't care, no one will worry. The teacher surprisingly asked about my face, but I mean she did say "what the hell is wrong with your face" So, thanks miss for giving me that self confidence.

Art went by quickly and I had history next with Sam, Aaron, Elton and Corey. We got into our groups again and did some more planning because my teacher isn't original with her lessons, not that I'm complaining.

"Whooo, dude are you okay, your face is kinda....bleeding" is what I got from Elton when I sat down, that's nice.

"Yeah I am aware of that, I just couldn't be bothered to clean it up before school so I'll just do it at break." I explained.

"What happened" Corey asked.

"It was just Kirt and his friends, don't worry about it, it happens all the time" I answered.

"It shouldn't be, I'm gonna punch them I'm the face when I get hold of them" Elton said.

"No no no no no. Bad idea. They'll come at me worse and then get you guys too and I really don't want that." Is this what it feels like to have friends.

"Fair enough" History finally ended and I made my way to the bathroom to 'fix' my face. One of them had punched my already black eye and made it worse, thanks guys, really appreciate it.

Lunch came around after a long period of Maths and another agonising lesson of P.S.E. I was walking down the first floor cause......why not. I have no where else to go. I always walked around the school at break and lunch.

Corey's POV

School has been pretty....well......shit as always. But I mean, history was fun. We can all see something is up with Colby and we want to find out what it is, so we've been observing him. We all agree that he's nice and should welcome him into our friend group. Ha that sounds like an initiation tactic.

He walked past our table so Elton called him over. He was a bit hesitant at first but gave in and came to sit with us.

"Have you eaten already Colby" Aaron asked.

"Em. No...I'm not r-really that hungry"

"Oh, well ok" that was simple and kinda awkward.

(A/n So I'm currently in a car right now, and probably about halfway to the destination so that's fun. I'm just listening to my music on like full volume casually. Probably bad but oh well. Anyway, I might be publishing another chapter today but I might not, we'll see. If not you probably won't see a new post until maybe next week xx.)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now