Chapter 9

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Colby's POV

I'm currently making my way to my 'lovely', 'humble' home. I know this is going to be something bad. I walked through the door to 4 guys in the kitchen. Fuck.

They stared me down and my dad called me into the kitchen.

"We need something" he spoke.

"Oh god" fuck, I said that out lo- I got slapped across the face before I could finish my thoughts.

"You will do what I say and if you don't, there will be consequences" he added.

"Okay, Okay. What do you want" I asked. He just held up a plastic bag filled with what I think is......cocaine. Shit.

"I need you to deliver this to Green Road number 12, and be discreet" he explained.

"But I d-" I got cut off with a punch this time.

"No buts, you will be doing it and that's that" he said, giving me four bags and a few home made cigarettes altogether.

It didn't go well last time, I've only done it two other times, I don't think my dad trusts me with this but frankly, I don't care. I'm happy he doesn't let me do this often, I hate doing it, the chance of getting caught by the police or anyone fake buying them just to get me arrested really turns it down.

I did it the first time when I was 8. The guy buying didn't think I was serious at first because of my age. Then I said I was related to Greg Brock - my dad, and he beat me up because he new it already happened at home. I got home and my dad laughed. He fucking laughed because one of his friends beat me up.

The second time I was 12, and as soon as I got to the door I heard a police siren, so I got scared and ran off. As soon as my dad saw I hadn't sold the stuff he beat me, one of the worst ones I had.

Now I'm fifteen and doing another one. I'm not good at them, why can't my fucking dad see that. I made my way towards Green Street and found the house. I knocked on the door and a middle aged man answered. Yeah, he definitely looked like he was on drugs.

He gave me the money and I.....well I didn't give him the drugs. My dad asked for more.

"This is only 20 quid" I shakily spoke.

"Yeah. so" he towered over me.

"M-my eh, dad asked f-for more. At l-least 40" I replied.

"Well that sucks for you, doesn't it" he said. "Now give me the stuff".

"P-please my d-dad wi-" I got cut off.

"Your dad will what, I don't give a shit" he snatched it out of my hands and slammed the door in my face.

"FUUUUCKK" I shouted, holding onto my head and spinning on my heel. Only to see none other than Elton, Aaron, Corey and Sam. Fuck my life. I swear they follow me around.

"Colby" Sam started like he was my mum telling me off, in a better situation, like, not dead.

"I can explain" I said.

"Go ahead" Elton addressed.

I wasn't expecting that, goddammit.

"Uhh I wa-" I was cut of for like the third time today.

"Were selling drugs for your dad so he won't beat you when you get home" Corey chimed in (With a haven't you people ever heard of...I'm sorry)

"Well I uhh...I...well.....yeah" I looked down. "I gotta go back" I muttered starting to walk away. Aaron grabbed my arm.

"Why don't you come hang with us for a bit, save yourself from being hit" he suggested.

"Thanks, but it's better now than later, it will be worse then" I finished.

Please Read xx

(A/N Btw I made up his dads name and the street name so don't accuse me of false facts or something XD. The updates will probably be slower now because school started again 🙄 so I'll probably go back to once every week or two, more or less. I kinda want to end this book soon, maybe like chapter 15 or 16 but I kinda need some suggestions maybe. So if you have any please comment them and I'll give you a shoutout, you just need to give me a sentence on a basic ending like 'he gets hit by a car and dies' not that though - no deaths XD I'll build it up with a few chapters and end it. I'm also kinda thinking of starting a Jyatt fan fiction (Jaeden Lieberher and Wyatt Olef from the IT cast) so leave some insight for that. Anyway sorry for the long authors note xx)

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