Chapter 12

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Colby's POV

My dad opened my door.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He questioned.

"I uh, I fell off my bike" I replied.

"Oh really, and how"

"Umm, there was some boys from school that rammed into the back of my bike" I explained.

"Did you fight back"


"Why the fuck wouldn't you fight back"

"I don't know, I just didn't think to do it"

"Or you were to scared to, you retard" I just looked down. He lifted up my chin  and slapped me across the face, opening two of my cuts.

"Scaredy cat" he said while walking out my room. Yeah, thanks dad, for pointing out the obvious. I just fell asleep right after this, not doing my homework. Also I'm pretty sure it's only like 7 or 8 o'clock but oh well.

Aaron's POV

We have been sitting here in Sam's house for a good hour waiting for Colby.

"Where the fuck is he" Corey asked.

"Yeah Corey, let me just get my Colby tracker device and tell you exactly where he is" Elton said. Corey looked up in shock and Elton gave him a kinda 'seriously' face, that amused me.

"Let's go to his house and look for him" Sam suggested, we all nodded and headed out.

We finally got to his house and knocked on the door. A man answered. I know exactly who that is, I could physically see Elton scoff in his head, he was pissed.

"Yes, can I help you" he spoke, agitated, and that was when I realized none of us had said a thing, we were probably all thinking that, this is the monster that hurts our friend.

"Umm, is Colby in, we have a project to do and he didn't come round to Sam's house" I said, pointing back to Sam since I was at the front.

"Colby isn't feeling well, good day" he clearly spoke and began to close the door. Elton stepped in and put his hand on the door to stop it from closing.

"Is he ok ?" He asked.

"He's fine" he strongly said and fully closed the door. We all looked between each other and walked back to Sam's house.

"That was weird" Corey pointed out.

"We'll see what happened tomorrow at school" I said. They all agreed and we decided not to do anything to the project without Colby.


School came by and we didn't walk with Colby again, I think he left early this morning.

We got to school and Colby wasn't even in the first two periods, but we saw him at break. We were about to go up to him but stopped when we saw Kirt and his friends go up to him.

It was then I realized he was limping and had quite a few cuts and bruises on his face and the other uncovered skin. Colby looked mad.

They started tormenting him and we were ready to go stop it when the unexpected happened. He punched Kirt, straight in the middle of the face, cause I'm to go back and falling down on the floor, he then need Henry in the stomach and they all ran off. Colby looked at his fist in shock and we went over to him.

"Bro, that was awesome" Elton pointed out.

"I can't believe I just did that" he finally spoke with a smile.

"Yeah. Sweet but, what happened to you" Corey asked.

"Oh, they rammed into the back of my bike and I crashed into a wall, i think I did something to my arm and leg" he said gesturing to the specific places.

"Also, Elton, please don't do that to them again, or it will make it worse" Colby said.

"Sure" Elton spoke not very convincing. Colby rolled his eyes but smiled at the same time.

(A/N Wassup, thanks again @holly-j13 for requesting this, this is the second part xxxx. So it wasn't a snow day today and we had to go in for school 🙄. Also my P.E teacher said we're doing cross country tomorrow. In the snow. She said it would be more fun but I hate anything to do with running so sucks to be me. Anyway sorry for the long authors note, again, I need to make a rant book, should I??Byeeee xxx)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now