Chapter 13

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Elton's POV

That was an eventful day. Honestly I think we need to tell someone, an adult at least, about Colby. He can't live with that forever, or at least until he is 18 which is in like 2 and a half years can I just add. Even if he does survive his dads wrath for those next few years, his dad won't get what he deserves. Uughhhh I don't know what to do, and I don't think any of the other guys know what to do either.

I think I'm gonna meet them somewhere and we can talk about it. Maybe the old park near Sam's house. It is actually really near Colby's house as-well. Let's just hope he won't be there. I created a new group chat with Sam, Corey, Aaron and I and sent a text, waiting for the replies.

Elton: Hey, wassup guys.

Sam: Heyyyyyy.

Aaron: Good day sir.

Corey: Wtf Aaron.

Aaron: Idek.

Elton: Anyway, we need to talk about Colby. Meet at that old park next to Sam's house, I'm already on my way.

Corey: Agreed, I'll be there.

Aaron: Yeah, same, see you there.

Sam: I'm now pretty much there.

Elton: well you live right next to it dipshit. Anyway, see you all there.

I looked up from my phone, I was about 5 minutes away from the park. I finally got there and Sam was already there.

"Waddup bro" He greeted.

"Sup" I replied back. We were talking for about 5 minutes when Aaron came, and then another 5-10 when Corey finally arrived since he lived the furthest away.

"Ok now that we're all here. We need to tell someone about Colby's state."

"Yeah agreed, but who and how ??" Sam questioned.

"Well if we show all the marks to the police, then that should be enough evidence for getting his dad arrested. Or if we film it" Aaron explained.

"Why don't we go over there now and say something like we're going out, wanna come with" Corey suggested.

"Good idea, let's go" I said. We made our way towards Colby's house which was only like 5 minutes away. We got to the doorbell but stopped when we heard noises.


"I-I'm sorry"

"Dude start recording, for the police" Corey said and Aaron brought his phone out. I tried knocking on the door. No answer, I then tried to open it but it was locked. We heard glass smash followed by a whimper.

Another glass smashed and we could here Colby getting slapped, hit and punched. We heard a crack of the belt and we looked at each other in disbelief.

"P-please" we heard.

"Shut it, you pathetic piece of crap" then we heard the noise of a belt coming in contact with skin multiple times. This went on for ages while all 4 of us were frantically trying to open the door, calling for Colby. Punches and belt smacks continued for what felt like forever.

It all stopped and we heard footsteps coming up to the door.

"Quick the bushes, and Aaron get his face on camera." I said and Aaron nodded. His dad came out with anger written all over his face. It was when his dad had disappeared out of the street Colby came crawling out of the house. He was limping and holding his left arm, his head and face had so much blood on it I could barely see his facial features.

He fell to the ground but didn't pass out. That's when we all came out of shock and to our senses. We all stood up and rushed towards Colby, Aaron had stopped filming.

(A/N Oooooh interesting. I'm starting another fanfic on Waterparks with Awsten, Geoff and Otto, I've already written the first few chapters but I probably won't start publishing until like next week xx)

Introvert (Sam, Colby, Elton, Aaron, Corey)Where stories live. Discover now