Chapter 7

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Colby's POV

School again. One. More. Day. Which is today. Friday. Can I just not go, nope, my dad will find out. Uuggghhhh.

I did my usual daily stuff for the morning and walked to school, I didn't see Sam, Aaron and Elton today but that's fine.

Break came around pretty quickly and the guys told me to meet in one of the old maths classrooms, I think it was room 208 ? I just want to know why they want to talk to me 'privately'. Oh god, I hope they haven't changed their minds about me and decide to just beat me up in an old classroom and leave me there to die- woo, hold it down there Colby, they probably won't leave me there to die. They'll just beat me up.

Eh, what can I loose. It's not like I endure it twice everyday. Welp. I walked into the classroom and all of there heads shot up in unison. Slightly creepy but let's keep going.

"Hey Colby" Corey said.

"Umm, hi? Why, am I here. Your gonna beat me up aren't you" I bluntly stated.

"Woooo there. Why the hell would we beat you up?" Sam said, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Everyone does" I added.

"Bro, that sucks"

"Not the point. If I'm not here to be beat up then why am I here" I said. They all looked at each other and back at me. Weird.

"Look, Colby. We eh.....umm" Sam started.

"*Sigh* we know you get abused at home Colby" Elton finished. HOW THE HELL DID THEY FIND OUT ABOUT THAT.

" eh.....I don't know w-what your em t-t-talking about"

"Colb-" Aaron started.

"I em.....I .... what's t-that. Is that a t-teacher calling me, Miss, h-hay" I said walking towards the door to the imaginary teacher, ok real subtle Colby you just made yourself even more unbelievable. Corey grabbed my arm.

"Okay. Nope" he said.

"Look Colby, we're not going to leave you. We wanna help you." Elton explained. I looked up, shocked aaaaaaaaannnnnnddd maybe cried a little bit because I know I'm never gonna escape my dad.

"Okay bring it in" Sam started. We all hugged and then to ruin it all, the bell freakin rang, so we all went to class. I had fricken Maths first so that's fun, note my sarcasm.

Lunch came by, the guys had invited me to come to the place they always sit at for lunch everyday a couple days ago so I've been going there lately.

We were just sitting chatting when...

"Colby, we need to do something about the abuse" Elton said. I looked down, saying nothing.

"Who is it anyway, uncle ?" Corey asked.

"Dad" I replied in monotone, still looking down.

"Oh, well. Again, we need to do something about it" Elton repeated. It was only then I caught on. My eyes widened and I looked up.

"Nonononono, not a good idea. You can't say anything, to anyone. Any of you" I stated looking between them all.

"Colby w-" Aaron started.

"No." I exclaimed dead on.

"It won't get better if you don't tell anyone" Sam said.

"You don't understand. It won't get better if I don't tell anyone, but it will get worse if I do" I explained. "Don't tell anyone. Do you all understand" I added. They all nodded their heads understandingly and then the bell rang.

(A/N This one is a bit shorter, sorry. But hey, I posted. I'm still at my cousins but I'm going home tomorrow so I might be able to post a little more before school starts again xx)

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